Page level errors not getting caught


Keith Patrick

For some reason, in 2.0 (beta 2), any time I have an unhandled
exception, my page will not handle the error. I have tried setting
AutoEventWireup to true, false, removed it. I've tried taking out the
<customErrors> configuration and various permutations of values for it.
I've put breakpoints in an OnError overload as well as a Page_Load handler.
I've even tried manually adding the error handler during OnInit. Still, if
I intentionally miscast a variable during execution, I get the fugly yellow
error screen, and my breakpoints don't get hit.
Is this broken in beta 2, or has page-level error handling suddenly changed
on me, or am I overlooking somethign blatantly obvious?

Keith Patrick

Found the problem. My page (Index.aspx) did not have the
ErrorPage="Index.aspx" value set (guess that it doesn't default to _self)

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