page is too processor intensive to render



I thought I was clever getting my first client-side script-emitting grid
working where mousing over pops up a little menu of actions in certain
cells. It turns out that if I have a good chunk of data, say, 100 rows and 4
columns (only one of which has mouseover menus), it really boggs the
processor down, sends it to 100% for a few seconds. I don't think this would
be acceptable for production so I was hoping someone could give me some tips
on how to get the processor demand down. I could probably put paging in, but
I'd like to explore other options first - paging will become necessary later
perhaps, but I'm interested in knowing how to produce efficient HTML/script,

Thanks in advance,


Not sure I follow..
Are you saying this pegs the Server or Client CPU? Sounds like it's all
clientside events, not server.
As for if you do mean the server, during generating, it's designed to. I
mean if there is idle CPU it will use it, to speed up rendering.


Client CPU.

Curt_C said:
Not sure I follow..
Are you saying this pegs the Server or Client CPU? Sounds like it's all
clientside events, not server.
As for if you do mean the server, during generating, it's designed to. I
mean if there is idle CPU it will use it, to speed up rendering.

Bruce Barker

you could switch to firefox which renders tables faster, but rendering a 100
row table is cpu bound for all browsers. also a 100 row grid would have a
huge viewstate, which causes even more problems.

-- bruce (


OK... so how do I reduce the viewstate? Maybe if I disable the grid's
viewstate completely...



I removed the viewstate of the grid and its cells... the total page size
went down from 192 to 169Kb.

Guess I have more paring to do...


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