Page background on all pages.



I need to have a Table (like a checklist) on all the pages in the word (like
how you get page #) on the right hand side of the page as a background, and
anything that I write or copy on that page should not be overwrite the text
in that table, or that table to be deleted.

Kind of a stationery that I need only on one word file.

Please help

Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hello Aliya

aliya.pawaskar said:
I need to have a Table (like a checklist) on all the pages in the word (like
how you get page #) on the right hand side of the page as a background, and
anything that I write or copy on that page should not be overwrite the text
in that table, or that table to be deleted.

Kind of a stationery that I need only on one word file.

enter the header or footer area, and then anchor the table there as a
Shape (floating object, set "behind text" probably makes sense there).



Thanks, however this did not help me, as the area of the header takes the
entire page and then If I want to type something on the page, I cannot start
it from the begining of the page. I can start it only from where the header
I need this table to be on the background at the right hand side and there
will be text over it on the left.

Stefan Blom

To prevent the header from occupying the whole page, set the Vertical
Alignment to "Top" (in the Page Setup dialog box).

Note, however, that no matter how large the header is, you can still anchor
the table (or other objects) to it but position it outside of the header
area. If you find it difficult to position the table itself, place it inside
a frame or text box.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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