Page and Form



What different between form and page?
I know that I can write VBA code for the form, but how about the pages?
If I want to write some code for the page, which language I have to use?
Do I need install any languages?

Any information is great appreciated.


Sylvain Lafontaine

Pages (also known as Data Access Pages or DAP) are HTML pages and are much
more complicated to use than forms (Access Data Project or ADP). You must
Javascript or VBScript instead of VBA to write code for these pages and it
is usually a very complicated thing to do.

The advantage of DAP is that they can be visualised on Internet Explorer,
without the need to have Access installed on that machine. There is a
newsgroup for DAP: m.p.access.dataaccess.pages

Also, I hope that (e-mail address removed) is not your real e-mail address;
otherwise be prepared to receive a lot more of spam in the following days.

S. L.


Thanks for the information,
I am going to rewrite an app written in Access.
I would like to use SQL server as backend.
Can you please give me an example how complicated it?
Thanks again,


Sylvain Lafontaine

Hum, it's hard to give you a definite answer because there are so many

The best suggestion would be to step by step by first creating an MDB file
with linked tables and see how goes the speed. You will have to add the
option dbSeeChanges here and there but Access will tell you where when you
will try to execute the afftected piece of code. If the speed of joined
tables is not sufficient, replaced these with linked views. To have
updatable linked views, take a look at the following article:

After that, you will have a working application in one day or two. Then,
you can make the decision to try with ADP, DAP or to go directly with the
..NET framework.

Also, many people use TS/Citrix to keep Access as the backend or to solve
network speed problems.

S. L.

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