Owww, my User! (quote from Tron). How to install a program on two out of five Users in XP Home?


Cymbal Man Freq.

I want to install a speech program on an XP Home machine that has 5 Users. They
are all Administrator Users today, they just woke up. However, the speech
program would be best served on 2 of the Users. How do I get this program
installed on just two Users? Do I make three Users Limited Accounts and two
Users Administrators (and only the Administrator accounts will get the program
installed in their User?)? What is the proper way to limit program installations
to specific Users and specific multiple Users...but to not install to EVERY


I'm not real familiar with this, but it seems to me that you'd have to make
sure that the program only installs to the individual user accounts - not to
the All Users account.

If it does install to All Users, just move the icon that starts the program
to one of the user accounts and then copy it to the other account. Make sure
that you don't leave a copy in the All Users account.


One thing you might try is this:

Is the program started automatically by putting a link to it in the
Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder?

If so, you can copy the link to D&S\User who needs the program\Start
Menu\Programs\Startup folder and delete it from the all users startup folder.
This will then only start the program for those users. You may also wish
to remove the Program group (D&S\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Program that
you wish to restrict) from the all users and place it in the individual users
profile (D&S\User who needs the program\Start Menu\Program Files\) So the
other users who the program doesn't start for don't even see it.

Another option would be to find the program folder of the program, probably
in Program Files directory, and right click on it. Click Properties...In the
properties window that comes up, click on the security tab. First, check the
groups that the users that you don't want to have access to this
program...(Administrators, Power Users, Etc...) to see their permissions
(probably Full Control for Admins) Then Add Just the users that you want and
give them the same permissions...and remove the group from that list.

I haven't tested this method, but it seems as if it might work...although it
might come up with an annoying error whenever they log in saying "you don't
have permission to this file" or something like that. If this does happen,
simply right click on the folder in program files, properties, security tab,
and add back in the groups that you removed (be sure to give them full
control or modify permissions or whatever they had before).

Hope this helps,
Jason Ryon

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