Over Voltage Error

Mar 17, 2012
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I play World of warcraft and when i am on it it will very often compltely shut off and when i boot it back up it shows that its a CPU Over Volatge error
Two different usernames, two different email address's. One post each.

Not really the end of the world, but i'll make sure Ian's aware. :)
What kind of board do you have? This is probably a key detail

Yes temperature is way to high. Suggestions :
1) clean old thermal grease by alcohol and apply new. Arctic Ceramique is what I recommend.
2) clean heatsink from a dust

If you take the heatsink off, you have to replace the grease. It's not a bad idea if your machine is a little older. The "grease" is merely metal or ceramic pieces mashed up into a moisture mixture. It can, and does, dry out over time. The use of the machine will dictate when you should check the grease. Most of the time it is never an issue.