Outlook will launch but not display


two ton ted

Can someone plz help me out.
I run XP and Office 2003. Never had this prob before: I can launch OL and
it shows in sys tray and is also showing on Task Bar. Incoming mail arrives
etc, but the main OL window will not open. If I click the task bar icon the
something scoots across to the right side of my monitor. It seems to be
working ok, but just refuses to show up on the screen. I've run repair etc
and closed down Norton to see if there was any confict. Any ideas?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

it sounds like you have it set to hide when minimized and the main window is
off screen. right click on the tray icon - is it set to minimize to tray?

two ton ted

No, it's not set to minimise, I don't have that option in my sys tray. There
is one that says hide when minimised and that's my lot! I know it's working
but I just can't see it Grrrr! It's doing my head in. Any more ideas please?


two ton ted said:
Can someone plz help me out.
I run XP and Office 2003. Never had this prob before: I can launch
OL and
it shows in sys tray and is also showing on Task Bar. Incoming mail
etc, but the main OL window will not open. If I click the task bar
icon the
something scoots across to the right side of my monitor. It seems to
working ok, but just refuses to show up on the screen. I've run
repair etc
and closed down Norton to see if there was any confict. Any ideas?

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