Outlook web service fails!



Hello All!

I've been trying to come up with a web service which enables me to use
outlook remotly with a machine which only has a web browser. I've tried
this with windows forms and it worked without any problem, but the same
thing fails miserably when used as a web service and gives the

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
(0x80080005): Server execution failed at NetForms.OutlookMail..ctor()
in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\newtest\codefile1.cs:line 25</string>

*** In IIS i've chosen the annonymous access.
in web.config uses windows authentication and impersonation is true to
my local network login.
Also i've set all the priviledges for my account and the asp.net
account., still nothing works :-(

I've added the office outlook object 11. I've looked for this matter in
vain on the web and tried out several suggestions without any luck.
My machine runs on Win XP and the outlook is connected via an Exchange

Also please let me know whether there any way to connect to exchange
server directly and then get the necessary info without invoking an
outlook app in the local machine, then i hope i'll be able to overcome
this issue.

Thanks in advance for your support!

bruce barker \(sqlwork.com\)

web services like any asp.net app runs as an NT service. a service does not
have a user profile, which outlook and many other application use to find
setup info. look at the exchange sdk for an api to exchange.

-- bruce (sqlwork.com)

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