Outlook w/ multiple PDA users



We have two PDAs and each user would like to synq to
separate Outlook calendars. We seem to only have one
calendar, though, and our information gets combined.

William Tatum[MSFT]

First, you need to find out whether your PDA synchronization software allows you to synchronize to
different profiles within Outlook. If so, you both can create your own seperate profile and only syncrhronize
to that specific profile.

Which version of Outlook are you using? If you are using Outlook 98/2000, you will need to make sure you
are in the Corporate or Workgroup mode of Outlook to enable profiles. Outlook 2002 and 2003 have
profiles enabled by default.

From: "Tracy" <[email protected]>
Sender: "Tracy" <[email protected]>
Subject: Outlook w/ multiple PDA users
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 02:23:42 -0800
We have two PDAs and each user would like to synq to
separate Outlook calendars. We seem to only have one
calendar, though, and our information gets combined.

William R. Tatum III - MCSE, MCSA
Partner Technical Lead - Outlook/Office Setup
Microsoft Tecnnical Support
for Platforms and Business Applications

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