Outlook refuses to display chosen font size



User has chosen font size via Tools, Options, Mail Format, Fonts, and has
selected Use My Fonts Always, but display on her screen keeps showing up in
6pt, including saved signature block. We're running it at 18 pt right now
just so she can read it as she types, but that's just barely acceptable, and
it shows up at recipient in that large, 18 pt size.

This is new, just started happening. What could be causing this, and how do
I get around it??? Thanks.


Are they using word as their email editor? If so, you need to change the
settings by opening a new email --> Tools --> options-->general-->email
options-->personal stationary


Thanks, Jaye K, but that is simply another way of doing what we have already
done, i.e., increase the assigned font size. I've got her set at 18 pt now,
which is the smallest readable size dispayed on her monitor, but which of
course JUMPS OUT AT ANYONE READING HER E-MAIL. She's already gotten a
response to "settle down" and is about to climb down my throat! The next
obvious question no doubt involves her screen resolution setting, which is
unchanged. No other app affects its font size in this manner. Performing the
standard Microsoft Troubleshooting Step 1 (log off and/or cycle the power)
does not resolve this. Anybody..? Thanks.


I had a similar problem and came here looking for answers. My problem is the
font size looks really big for the reader so when I adjust the font size, the
recipients have trouble reading it. I have since found it to be the zoom
level in a new message. Open a new message, click in the message area and
then go to veiw, zoom. Mine was set to %200, so yours must be set well below

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