Outlook redirect and views


Vivek Karnataki


I am trying to redirect to another Outlook folder from within my Outlook
form/post/email. However this link opens another Outlook window rather than
changing the open folder in my current Outlook window. For example. if I
have a link Outlook:Contacts in my form/post/email, a new Outlook window
opens up with the Contacts folder open. How can I open the Contacts folder
in the existing instance of Outlook ? Is there a way ?

Also, while specifying this link, is there also a way of specifying a
particular view (already defined) to be used for that folder ??

Thanks in advance.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = whatever MAPIFolder you

If you are using Outlook 2002 or later you can set the view using the
Explorer.CurrentView property:
Explorer.CurrentView = "AlreadyDefinedViewName"

Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Lead Author, Professional Outlook 2000 Programming, Wrox Press
Lead Author, Beginning VB 6 Application Development, Wrox Press
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Vivek Karnataki

Thank you for your reply... but it does not satisfy my requirements.

I want to avoid doing any VBA coding on the Outlook client. I just want to
be able to redirect a user to a particular folder (Private/Public) from an
email/form/post. The 'linked' folder should open in the same Outlook window,
that is it shouldnt open another Outlook window.

For example. The user receives an email, the email has a Contact name...
when the user clicks on the contact name, the Contacts folder should open up
in the Outlook window.

I have tried using '<outlook:Contacts>' but this opens up another Outlook

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