Outlook Redemption - how to send email on someone behalf



Hi all,

I tried to send the email on someone behalf, but its keep send email
from my account. On my computer, I created two profile "KIM","JACK". I
got both permission on these two profile. When I opened Outlook for
"KIM" account, and i tried to send email on behalf of JACK, its keep
send the email from "KIM" profile instead of "JACK" profile. But if i
close the OUTLOOK then it send email correctly i.e from JACK
profile.... I used "LOGON" function to logon JACK profile with
NewSession... Is is the right function to send email on someone
behalf? also where can i find thHi all,

I tried to send the email on someone behalf, but its keep send email
from my account. On my computer, I created two profiles "KIM","JACK".
I got both permission on these two profiles. When I opened Outlook for
"KIM" account, and I tried to send email on behalf of JACK, its keep
send the email from "KIM" profile instead of "JACK" profile. But if I
close the OUTLOOK then it send email correctly i.e. from JACK
profile.... I used "LOGON" function to logon JACK profile with
NewSession... Is it the right function to send email on someone
behalf? Also where can I find the Outlook Redemption Object Manual?

This is a completed coding:

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olMailItemObject As Outlook.MailItem
Dim SafeMailItem As Redemption.SafeMailItem

Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set NS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")

NS.Logon Profile:="JACK", NewSession:=True

Set olMailItemObject = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set SafeMailItem = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeMailItem")
SafeMailItem.Item = olMailItemObject
SafeMailItem.Body = "test body"
SafeMailItem.Subject = "test"
SafeMailItem.Recipients.Add "KIM"


Set olMailItemObject = Nothing
Set SafeMailItem = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
Set NS = Nothing

Any help will be really appreciated,

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