Outlook not showing new messages


Ben Holmes


I have a strange problem.

We are running Exchange 2000 with Outlook 2002
This has been fine for 18 months now but in the last month Outlook has
started to not show any new messages until you either click "Send and
Receive" or just click on the "Inbox" folder (or go to any other folder)

I think that this means that it is not telling you that it has new mail
until you refresh your view of the mail server.

Does anyone have any idea why this might have just started happening

Many thanks

Ben Holmes


It seems I am having this same problem. It is only the machines that I have
upgraded to service pack 2 for windows XP. The other machine on my network
are fine. I had to uninstall service pack 2 in order for Outlook to start
working again. Please help. Thanks

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

OL2002: You Cannot Receive New E-mail Notifications in Environments That Use the Network Address Translation

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After a lot of head-scratching, Ben Holmes asked:

| All
| I have a strange problem.
| We are running Exchange 2000 with Outlook 2002
| This has been fine for 18 months now but in the last month Outlook has
| started to not show any new messages until you either click "Send and
| Receive" or just click on the "Inbox" folder (or go to any other
| folder)
| I think that this means that it is not telling you that it has new
| mail until you refresh your view of the mail server.
| Does anyone have any idea why this might have just started happening
| Many thanks
| Ben Holmes

Ben Holmes


This appears to be a common problem once Service Pack 2 for XP has been

I have had 2 people contact me to say they have had the same probelsm and
once they uninstall SP2 it works again fine.

I am hoping that someone at Microsoft will read this and investigate, I am
also going to try and email Microsoft directly to see if they can
investigate this directly

Many thanks for your reply

Ben Holmes

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
OL2002: You Cannot Receive New E-mail Notifications in Environments That Use
the Network Address Translation

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After a lot of head-scratching, Ben Holmes asked:

| All
| I have a strange problem.
| We are running Exchange 2000 with Outlook 2002
| This has been fine for 18 months now but in the last month Outlook has
| started to not show any new messages until you either click "Send and
| Receive" or just click on the "Inbox" folder (or go to any other
| folder)
| I think that this means that it is not telling you that it has new
| mail until you refresh your view of the mail server.
| Does anyone have any idea why this might have just started happening
| Many thanks
| Ben Holmes

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

It has been investigated. It is because the firewall in XP blocks the UDP
packets (on a random port) that Exchange uses to notify Outlook of changes.
The solution is to apply the registry changes specified in the article Milly
mentioned. Outlook 2003 handles this automatically.


Milly Staples refers to the Microsoft KB article Q305572 which explains
a registry hack to fix the UDP notification problem. This only refers
to Outlook 2002 and I read elsewhere that Outlook 2003 does not have
the same problem. However our configuration is Outlook 2003 + WindowsXP
SP2 and we do have this problem as described:
The user has to click the folder tree to refresh it before it gets
updated and so notifications of new messages are not seen.

My question is, if I create a registry entry similar to the one for
Outlook 2002 but replacing "10.0" for "11.0", will this solve the

REG_DWORD ForcePolling = 1 )

Alex Bailey.

Jeff Stephenson [MSFT]

No, that won't help - Outlook 2003 will automatically poll the server
(which is what that registry key turns on in Outlook 2002) if it does not
receive UDP packets from Exchange. Maybe the polling interval is too long
- it is set on the Exchange server (I don't know how...), so you might
check that. The default is to poll every minute.


Thanks for the info Jeff. Well it was working fine before the upgrade
from Outlook 2002 and the SP2 install (I don't remember what the
situation was between one and the other though). So I guess we should
be looking at opening up the SP2 firewall so that UDP can get through.
What's the port used? Is it not possible to open up the firewall to
anything on the local network subnet?

Alex Bailey.


Thanks Jeff,
I have opened up UDP port 1024 on SP2 Windows Firewall and have added
the registry key:
and DWORD value "FixedUDPPort" = 1024 (0x400)

(Anything from 1024 to 65535 can be used actually).

Note - The client PC needed a reboot before this took effect but it
works now :)


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