Outlook format changing



I send out emails to approx 600 customers (20 at a time) with 1 or 2 pdf
attachments and a message. I do this by creating and saving the email to
drafts, then I highlight the message in the draft folder and click forward.
This allows me not having to retype the message. The problem is the format
of the message changes by doubling the attachments and the message is
deleted. This only has happen on the emails I had sent but now the message
that is saved in my drafts is also changed. This does not happen with all
messages. maybe 2-3 messages will have this happen. The format also changes
on messages I receive. If I receive a message that is HTML and view it the
first time it is OK but on viewing it a second time the message has been
changed to plain text and all the images appear as an attachment.


Thanks for the suggestion but it still does not solve my problem.

I have found another post with the same isssue and no resolution. It states
in that post: "Subject: HTML changing to Rich Text. Sometimes, and I don't
know why, an e-mail I receive in HTML format will become Rich Text in my
preview box and Inbox. I don't know why it seems to be dynamically changing.
I would much rather prefer seeing everything in HTML format.

Can anyone explain this to me??? Is it some sort of setting within Outlook???

Please let me know and Thanks in advance for reading and helping.


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