Outlook Doesn't shut down properly



I have the same problem. I am running windows XP SP1 and
whenever I shut down my computer (having ran outlook
while it was on) it tells me that it is waiting for
outlook.exe to close.

Another problem I noticed is that each time I open
Outlook and "close" it, the process is still running when
I open Task Manager. So say I run and close Outlook three
times, there will be three instances of outlook.exe in my
Task Manager Processes tab.

Any ideas?

By the way: Windows XP SP 1, Office XP SP 1
don't know if you need computer specs too?
xp2200, 512 ram

-----Original Message-----
When I wan't to shut down my computer, it gives me an
annoying message to shut down Office programs before
shutting down?? This only happens if Outlook 2002 is
running. Why is that nescessary? Other prog. just close -
asking you to save if nescessary.

neo [mvp outlook]

Some of the things that can keep outlook in memory is...

1) using word as your e-mail editor and word is still running after closing
2) fax/pda syncronization software that utilizies outlook data
3) antivirus addins


thanks for replying so quick

1) i'm using word as my email editor, but it's not open
in any of my processes after i close outlook.
2) and 3) don't have either one.

any other ideas?

neo [mvp outlook]

any 3rd party addins? (See tools | options | other | advanced options |
addin manager and/or com addins)


I had the same problem until I upgraded to OLXP. Never did get it figured
out. Just one of those MS things that we have come to expect.


I have exactly the same problem that you do. No luck in
solving it so far. I have tried disabling Norton AV, my
sygate firewall, Archive XP, etc..in short, just about
everything that interacts with Outlook, but no luck :(
btw I am running Office XP2, and all the latest patches
to outlook 2002...If I can solve it, I'll be back...

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