Outlook address book import



I have been trying to import address book from another PC. In address book
under file, the import/export options are dimmed out. How can I get them on
so I can import ?

Thorsten Matzner

donvan said:
I have been trying to import address book from another PC. In address book
under file, the import/export options are dimmed out. How can I get them on
so I can import ?

Help with Outlook is available from
news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.outlook.general. For
Outlook Express post to


Thanks for reply PA
The results are the same on either Outlook and Outlook Express on my machine
and either one on other machine!

PA Bear


Are you using OE or OL on your machine? Is OL or Office also installed on
your machine?

Is OE or OL being used on the other machine? In what format is the exported
file (e.g., WAB, PST, CSV)? Is OL or Office also installed on the machine?


OL 2000 and Office 2000 are installed on both machines and XP sp2 home
edition on both machines.
Originally I was using win 98 and the address book was in a .wab file, after
the upgrade to XP the address book entries are intact and usable but I cannot
determine how to transfer the file.
I cannot locate any .wab files and the .pst files that are on the old
machine do not seem to contain the address book data. I also tried .pab files
and cannot locate any.
Hope you can help,

PA Bear

So you have (1) an old WAB file, and (2) if you open this WAB file in WinXP,
File > Import and Export are grayed out, correct?

1. Do you want to import the contents of this WAB file into OE or OL?

2. Do you have this Registry key?...


If not, STOP; If so, is there a DWORD named UseOutlook and is its value set
to 1 (one)?


1. I do not have the WAB file now. The Win98 os was upgraded to XP sp2. The
address book in Win98 was a WAB file but after the upgrade to XP I cannot
determine what the address book file was converted to.

2. The >file> Import/Export on the main page of OL are not greyed out: but
when I go to the address book page the >file> Import/Export are greyed out
all the time.

3. I do not have the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER

PA Bear

[X-Post to Outlook General]

Upgrading a /machine/ from Win98 to WinXP does not convert a WAB file to
anything. (Or by "upgrading" do you mean that /you/ upgraded from a Win98
machine to a new WinXP machine?)

This page may shed some light on something:

Mail Folders, Address Book, Messages Missing After Upgrade to XP

But I remain confused: Was Outlook Express the default Mail Client in Win98?
Is Outlook the default now in WinXP? Are you trying to export your OL
Contacts and then import then into OL on another machine?
...when I go to the address book page the >file> Import/Export are
greyed out all the time.

Where is this "address book page" you go to, in OL?

I think you may be better off posting to one of these OL-specific
newsgroups, Don:




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