Outlook 2k with a Cable Modem?

  • Thread starter Can I use outlook 2k on a cable modem?
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Can I use outlook 2k on a cable modem?

Hi, I just got cable internet (Optimum online). I was
using a dial up modem and Outlook express before. Can I
now use regular Outllok 2000 with my cable modem
connection? Thanks....


neo [mvp outlook]

Outlook 2000 supports POP/IMAP/SMTP accounts, so I don't see why not. (Most
ISPs have little knowledge about Microsoft Outlook, so they will stress that
it the product isn't supported. However the product works fine.)

"Can I use outlook 2k on a cable modem?"


You could have used outlook with your dial up connection, only thing is most
companies don't support outlook so if you have a problem you are on your

Rob Schneider

Should work. Have you tried it?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Rob Schneider

clarification: If you are changing email service provider, then to work
with Outlook Express, the new mail service provider has to enable POP
access to work with OE. If you are using the same email service
provider and just changing how you connect to the Internet (dial-up to
cable), should work fine.

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