Outlook 2003 .pst file dissappears after successful install



I carried out a successful first time install of MSWD Beta 2 without
problems...the first default scan using signature #1.13.1272.4 showed all
clear on my computer.

I then went straight to Outlook 2003 to check my emails, and on loading
Outlook 2003, I got a window saying one of my .pst files had 'failed to be

Sure enough when I clicked on 'Data File Management' to check my .pst files
one was missing. This was not the case immediately before installing MSWD
Beta 2, when I used Outlook 2003 as normal. No other events took place on
this computer to my knowledge that may have caused the .pst file to be
deleted or removed.

I reinstalled a backup copy of my .pst file and Outlook 2003 operates just

Bill Sanderson

Not sure what to say--you didn't do any cleaning, correct?

You could check the system event log for records with source "windefend" to
see if they mention the PST in any way.....


Hi Bill

You are correct in thinking I didn't do any cleaning.

I looked through Event Viewer 'System Event Logs' and couldn't see any logs
relating to .pst or anything Outlook 2003 for that matter - Just the standard
System Logs for the signature and engine version updates.

Bill Sanderson

In addition to a deletion accident, I could imagine a drag and drop
accident. It might be worth doing a search of the machine for .pst files,
just to see if it turns up anywhere.

I suspect this may remain a mystery--if the file isn't in the recycle bin,
and isn't on the system somewhere, there's probably no log of what happened.

I suppose there may be some log of the installation process of Windows
Defender, but I'm not sure where that would be...


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