Outlook 2003 Profile Issues



We have just moved a set of users to out Office 2003 system.

With one set of users we have had a problem where email sent via Outlook
2003 stays in the Outbox for 12 or so hours before being returned with "No
Transport Can be found".

The Outlook profiles have been set-up using a PRF that we use for all our
users and some are working and some are not. It also is affecting people who
connect to out Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003 servers.

We use Citrix and so do not have Cache mode or personal folders. Profiles
have a singe Exchange mailbox set-up.

We have removing their Profile completely however this does not appear to
fix it. The only fix we have found is to completely remove their Windows
Roaming Profile and re-create it. This then allows them to be re-set up and
continue to work.

The other odd thing is that it is only affecting one sub set of users who
are in seperate stores on both of the Exchange servers. Could this be caused
by an Exchange issue? Is it more lickely to be an Outlook Issue? Has anyone a
less harsh solution that a new roaming profile?


Jonathan Thomas
Hampshire County Council


Hi Jonathan
If you are getting this error:

No Transport Provider Was Available for Delivery to This Recipient

Then I have done a quick search on Microsoft.com and found this which
although it refers to Outlook 97 it sounds similar...


Hope this helps




Have tried most of those (even though a lot are not relevant) and they make
no diffrence.

What makes is odd they are all on the same Citrix server with the same PFR
file and some work and others do not.



Thanks for the article. Have looked at that in the past even though we are
using Outlook 2003 and the profiles are diffrent.

Anyway none of them made any diffrence.

What is odd is that users are on the same Citrix server using the same PRF
file and some work and some dont....?


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