Outlook 2003 nickname does not autofill TO: address field



When I typed a nickname in outlook 2002 in the email TO: box, it would
autofill the recipients email address. My new Outlook 2003 does not do

read a fix about searching for *.nk2 - did not find anything on the
search and I did include hidden and system files and I searched the
entire hard drive..

Andreas Roeder

When I typed a nickname in outlook 2002 in the email TO: box, it would
autofill the recipients email address. My new Outlook 2003 does not do

read a fix about searching for *.nk2 - did not find anything on the
search and I did include hidden and system files and I searched the
entire hard drive..

you have to type the address and send to it, after it stored in the nk2 file


the problem is - there is no *.nk2 file anywhere....

Why can't I find the *.nk2 file???


the problem is - there is no *.nk2 file anywhere....

Why can't I find the *.nk2 file???

the standard path is
C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Local Settings\Application


I did look there - and the search should have found it there anyway....

I am a computer consultant and have good knowledge of files and folders
and hidden etc. Believe me there is no *.nk2 file on my hard disk...

My pst file is from a prior outlook version - coud that be the

Thanks again!!!

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

This thread is too old for me to have the beginning and you have failed to
quote previous posts.
Clarify how you enabled your search to include hidden files and why simply
finding the NK2 file would help you.


my original post is just 3 days old...

this link will show the entire thread if you can't see it otherwise:

the first post addresses the why for nk2 and the post prior to yours
explains that I surely should be able to enable the search for hidden
files. I can find *.dll and *.sys files....

If you know something about searches that you think might help, please
advise me...

However as my first post states, the real problem is Outlook 2003 does
not use the nicknames in my contacts to fill the email TO box.....

Thanks for taking the time... Jim

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Well I clear messages periodically when the cache gets unwieldy, as it did 3
days ago.

A search for *.NK2 will turn up any NK2 files on your hard drive as long as
you have enabled searching of hidden files. If it doesn't, then you don't
have any files. Did you enable the feature?

No version of Outlook has ever used the Nickname field for Contact lookup.
Clarify whether you are referring to autocompletion ("Suggest names") or
autoresolution ("Automatic Name checking").

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

You can also look directly:
it's in the hidden folder C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application
Russ Valentine
Russ Valentine said:
This thread is too old for me to have the beginning and you have failed to
quote previous posts.
Clarify how you enabled your search to include hidden files and why simply
finding the NK2 file would help you.
Russ Valentine
I did look there - and the search should have found it there anyway....

I am a computer consultant and have good knowledge of files and folders
and hidden etc. Believe me there is no *.nk2 file on my hard disk...

My pst file is from a prior outlook version - coud that be the

Thanks again!!!



I can't tell you which I refer to - autocompletion ("Suggest names")
autoresolution ("Automatic Name checking").

I can tell you I used Outlook 2000 for almost 2 years and I entered a
nickname in the nickname field of contacts that I emailed frequently.
When I entered that nickname on the email TO: field, it would resolve
to the email address for that contact....

Outlook 2003 does not do that..... I have not been able to find out

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Most likely because you were using the IMO mode of Outlook 2000, which used
Outlook Express for its address engine, not Outlook. As I said, no full
version of Outlook has used this field for Contact lookup.
Starting with Outlook 2002, the autocompletion feature was added and largely
obviated the need for Contact lookup once you've populated your
autocompletion cache.

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