Outlook 2003 home access issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sam Streck
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Sam Streck

I'm an intern at a local senior home and one of my managers is having a
problem accessing her email through outlook at home. When she is at work,
she can access her email through outlook without a problem. She would like
to be able to do this at home as well, but can't. She has to use the web
based version of outlook and would prefer to use outlook and is rather clear
about that. I checked a couple of settings to see if there was anything I
thought might be the problem but nothing really stood out. I compared her
settings to another person who can retrieve it from home and all that seemed
to be different was the cache setting so I clicked it to it cached it so it
was the same as the person who could retrieve it. What do I need to do
exactly to make sure she can retrieve her email from home like she can from
work? I have a feeling it might be something really simple.
Sam Streck said:
I'm an intern at a local senior home and one of my managers is having
a problem accessing her email through outlook at home. When she is
at work, she can access her email through outlook without a problem.
She would like to be able to do this at home as well, but can't. She
has to use the web based version of outlook and would prefer to use
outlook and is rather clear about that. I checked a couple of
settings to see if there was anything I thought might be the problem
but nothing really stood out. I compared her settings to another
person who can retrieve it from home and all that seemed to be
different was the cache setting so I clicked it to it cached it so it
was the same as the person who could retrieve it. What do I need to
do exactly to make sure she can retrieve her email from home like she
can from work? I have a feeling it might be something really simple.

Which type of account? I'm assuming Exchange because of the mention of "the
web based version of Outlook". DOes this person have a VPN or are they
trying to use RPC over HTTP?
Brian Tillman said:
Which type of account? I'm assuming Exchange because of the mention of "the
web based version of Outlook". DOes this person have a VPN or are they
trying to use RPC over HTTP?

I'm not too certain about that. That was one of the first things that I
thought about, although I'm not certain how to go about checking. Is there a
connection tab or subsection that I could check? Could there be a setting
where she isn't automatically connecting to her VPN, if that's what they are
using? I'm really going in blind here as they have no onsite IT guy nor is
anyone very technically adept, although I haven't met all the staff yet.
They have a contract with an IT company, so I might want to talk with them to
see if they set the email system up and what they are using.

If they are using RPC, what should I look for there? I just need some quick
stuff to look at, and have a better idea of what might be wrong.
I'm not certain what they are using. I'm not too good with outlook, so where
would I look to see if they are using a VPN or RPC? Is there a setting, if
they are using a VPN, to automatically connect when the email client starts?
Sorry I can't provide more info, but I'm going in blind here due to the fact
they have no onsite IT guy and few people are computer literate. They do
have a contract with an IT company so I might want to talk with them on
Friday to see what information I can get from them. I don't know if that
company set up their network though.
Sam Streck said:
I'm not too certain about that. That was one of the first things
that I thought about, although I'm not certain how to go about
checking. Is there a connection tab or subsection that I could

What does Tools>E-mail Accounts>Next show for accounts?
Could there be a setting where she isn't automatically
connecting to her VPN, if that's what they are using?

I would hope that the VPN connection isn't automatic.
I'm really
going in blind here as they have no onsite IT guy nor is anyone very
technically adept, although I haven't met all the staff yet. They
have a contract with an IT company, so I might want to talk with them
to see if they set the email system up and what they are using.

If they are using RPC, what should I look for there? I just need
some quick stuff to look at, and have a better idea of what might be

Your best bet is to contact the people who administer the Exchange server.