Outlook 2003 error - Unable to display


Michael G

I am using Outlook 2003 on a WinXP Pro PC in standalone (no Exchange
connection). I am
getting this error message when trying to access a folder from one of the

Unable to display the folder. Microsoft Office Outlook could not access the
specified folder location.

The links in my favorites work just fine so the folders are still in tact
and working as they should. The error occurs when I try to access via a
link from my Today screen. This error started right about the time I
started using Interenet Explorer 7 Beta but I'm not absolutely positive that
is what set it off. Before you ask, no, I have not tried unstalling IE to
check it out. I can't find anything on MS' web site pertaining to the
subject. Any help would be appreciated.


Brian Tillman

Michael G said:
I am using Outlook 2003 on a WinXP Pro PC in standalone (no Exchange
connection). I am
getting this error message when trying to access a folder from one of
the shortcuts.

Unable to display the folder. Microsoft Office Outlook could not
access the specified folder location.

Have you tried removing and re-adding the shortcut?

Michael G

The problem shortcut is in the Today screen. I have tried going into the
Customize settings, changed the selected folders, re-selected, gone with
none, nothing changes. As a matter of fact, any/all of the (email) folders
selected have the same problem. All other shortcuts in the Today screen
work, only the email shortcuts give me this error. The folders still
exist/are in tact as evidenced from the fact that the shortcuts in the
Favorite Folders link just fine.

Michael G

one other thing, I have performed the detect & repair utility with no
problems being detected/repaired. While it is not critical that I repair
this problem, it is important to my understanding of Outlook and that's why
I am pursuing the resolve.
Thanks for any help.

Michael G

Also, the number of unread messages is tracked/updated normally (for these



I have exactly the same problem. Started after I installed the latest Beta
of Internet Explorer. I have been through all the steps you have and still
can't fix it. What I have noticed is that the address for the folders is
wrong if you click on them from the Today page. For the inbox it gives
outlook:/./\Personal%20Folders\Inbox instead of outlook:Inbox which works

John C

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Michael G said:
Also, the number of unread messages is tracked/updated normally (for these

Michael G

Thanks, that sounds right. One problem, I can't find where you make those
changes. Would you walk me through? Thanks.

Michael G

Did the same thing, folder name only - no premarker, no slashes, nothing,
just the folder name - and everything is working fine. However, if I go
into 'Customize Outlook Today' for anything I lose it all (is it supposed to
be this way? I had to check it out. Thanks for the help everyone.

Brian Tillman

Michael G said:
Did the same thing, folder name only - no premarker, no slashes,
nothing, just the folder name - and everything is working fine. However,
if I go into 'Customize Outlook Today' for anything I lose
it all (is it supposed to be this way? I had to check it out.

I seem posting indicating that can be a side-effect of IE7. Did you install

Michael G

Yes, I'm running IE 7 Beta 3. I had a hunch that this is what caused it.
However, I like it so much better than IE 6 that I'm willing to put up with
it & hope it gets cleared up in the next release. I must say though, that
the regedit procedure has worked just fine. All of my folder links are
working as they should. I'm happy for now. Thanks.

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