Out of nowhere, my forms all open as Maximized



Good Day,

This wasn't happening before. All my forms have the default veiw set to
single form and the Min/Max Buttons are both Enabled.

When I veiw the forms in the Design Veiw, they show in a small area of the
window, but when I go into the Form View, it takes up the entire area and the
Min/Max Buttons are not available.

Thank you very much! -debi-


Hi Debi,

If you didn't mess with the controls, you might have "Maximize" some in your


I know I don't have anything set to Maximize. I just noticed that everything
in ACCESS, queries, reports, etc., do not have Min/Max Buttons. What could I
have changed??????


What about your code? Go into your code source and click in the binoculars
type in maximize and search entire project. If nothing comes up and your not
sure what happened, I use the fail safe importing method. Create a blank
database in access and import your current database and see if that helps. BE
SURE TO MAKE A COPY FIRST. There may be another reason or solution but this
usually works for me. It only takes about ten minutes and at least you have a
50/50 shot.


You know what, I used a different computer yesterday. Could that have
affected my settiings? If yes, how do I fix it.

Even when I create a blank database, it does the same thing.


I don't think so. I believe it would have something to do within the database
unless it is an Office setting in which I wouldn't have a clue.

You created an new database and imported everything from your old one into
it and it still does the same thing? Did you search your code throughout the
database like I mentioned? If yes to both, I am at a lost because when it
happens to me it's either Maximize in my code or I import and it corrects

What happens if you go on another computer to you get the expanded forms or
the correct size forms?

Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I'm sure someone on here knows what the
problem is.

Try opening the form in design view and click on the expansion window button
to maximize it. Does the form itself go all the way to the border of the
window? If so, move it over and make it smaller because the form will open to
the size of the form in design view.

Also, when the form is open, you may be able to click on the Window Menu and
click Size to Form (if it's there. If the form is fully opened it probably
won't show).

If none of the works I am fresh out of ideas. Sorry Debi.


Hi Stockwell, thank you very much for all of your suggestions. Tried them
all, still stuck. It's not just the forms, it's everything is ACCESS.

I'm sure something will pop up. Thank you for trying! -debi-


Debi, one last thing. Do you have any macros in the database? If so, one of
then might be set to maxmize. I read it on a message board and I tried it and
sure enough, everything opens as maximized. Are you able to get to the guts
of the database (tables, forms, queries etc..)? If so, that could be the ONLY
other thing I can think of that would cause that.


Even if I create an entirely new mdb, everything still maximizes, so I don't
think it has anything to do with code, objects, etc. :(


No, not code a Macro. When you import there are tabs to click on so you can
select what to import. If you see a macro that says maximize or autoexec
don't import it and see what happens. Macros are built into Access and
basically allow you to do functions without coding because it will do all the
coding for you. Try it and see what happens.


Are you able to see the Tables, Forms, Reports, Queries etc.. If so, there is
a Macro section as well. OR is your database set up so when it opens, you
only see the form you input your information? Are you a user or the
Administrator of the database, did you create it?


I really appreciate your help!!! I created it. I can see all the tables,
forms, queries, etc. I have one macro that refreshes a query.


You're welcome. No other macro in the database? If not, I'm at a loss because
I know it has to be something simple but I sure don't know what it could be.
I am really sorry I couldn't be more help Debi. With everything we tried I
thought for sure that would have been it but if you created it, you would
know if you placed that Macro in there. In a couple of days if you do not get
anymore responses, try posting again maybe in General Questions or Forms


Hi Stockwell, thank you again! I will certainly follow-up on your
suggestions. Have a great day!!

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