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Is it not possible to use RDWC to the public IP/Name from
within my LAN - ie: from another machine on my network go
to IE and use RDWC to connect to the public IP/DynDNS
address of the machine I have RDWC set up on ? For testing
purposes you know ?

And secondly, trying to set up an FTP server (using the
one built in to XP Pro or Serv-U from RhinoSoft)I get a:
anonymous user cannot login yada yada...tryin PASV,
followed all directions on Rhino's site. Any ideas ??

Sure glad you guys are here !

Bill Sanderson

1) probably won't work--very few routers can deal with this. best to test
using an analog dialup out from within the lan, if possible.
2) don't know FTP enough to give any useful ideas. One suggestion: Be VERY
serious about security issues--with both FTP and running IIS for RDW.

Use MBSA 1.2 and get rid of all questionable stuff about IIS.

Mohamed Abdulla

Regarding the FTP part, I don't know about the issues related to the
specific software you are using, but I have been using the Free FTP Server
software from 3Com (drop me a mail if you need a copy), and I have always
success with it. Some FTP software will define an anonymous account as the
account having the user name set to anonymous, and password to an e-mail,
while others will accept blank passwords as the default anonymous account.
Try defining a specific account (one with specific user name, and a non
blank password), as that is more secure. On the FTP client side, you may use
the FTP command from windows prompt, or you may have a GUI package (like
Cute FTP, or WS_FTP), these will give you easiness while using the FTP
operations. I think this is also an efficient way of transferring your files
over the Internet between two remote PCs.
Need you any help on the setup of the 3com FTP server software, I will be
very glad to help, though I'm sure woo will not have problems with it. It is
very easy to setup and configure.


It does not appear that I can get to the public addy from
inside - going to experiment w/DMZ to see if that allows
it. I got FTP going, it was working but I could not tell
because of the above issue. I don't have a landline to
test with, I suppose I could use my cell phone as a modem !

Listen thanks for your guidance Bill, nice to have folks
around to help when ya need it ! Normally that's my job



Thanks for the reply Mohamed ! FTP was working, see my
reply to Bill earlier in the thread. I need to figure out
a way to fool my router into thinking I'm outside the
LAN ! I appreciate all the help and suggestions from you
guys !


Bill Sanderson

Don said:
Listen thanks for your guidance Bill, nice to have folks
around to help when ya need it ! Normally that's my job

That's how I got into this habit--got good support online. In fact, there
was an incident where we were looking for support for a 3rd party product
online. Their support staff farmed out our question to a "professional"
research outfit. So--what did I then spot in the same newsgroups where I'd
already posted? A poor hapless female end-user describing OUR problem and
pleading for help! Needless to say, this was the male staffer of the
professional research outfit. I called him on it, and he had the grace to
actually come to our office an apologize in person--said he "got better
results" posting that way.

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