OT: web page forms help needed



Seems like nobody in the MS internernetexplorer.general NG ever build the odd web page !

If I understand it all correctly:-
http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/html/forms.html#mailto-form 10.1. How do I use forms?

I had a go at adding a "form" into a web page, (using my old Dreamweaver 4), knowing that it had to make use of a cgi-script that would be provided by my ISP.
Then I discovered that there is no cgi-bin at my ISP !!!

....so can anyone suggest an alternate method of using a web page "form" other than using a "form to email" service that I would have to pay for ?

any thoughts gladly received ?

regards, Richard


Starting off with a derogatory comment won't win you a lot of help.

If you don't have cgi access, it's pretty much impossible to do much and
have any security attached to it. You'd problaby be just as well served by
using a regular "mailto" and mailing the form to yourself and then parsing
it on your machine.
Try looking for some javascript forms; they help a little.

Do not post in HTML; use Plain Text on newsgroups. That's another thing
driving away responses to your post.



Thank you Poprivet

....wasn't intending to be "derogatory" ..that's my sense of humour !
....and I only switch a post into html when there's huge hyperlink that I
want to include that gets broken when posting in plain text.
....anyway, thanks for your post, much appreciated.

regards, Richard