OT: Recommended database for Win Forms App?


Ed Sutton

Anyone have any advice for what sort of database technologies I should
investigate for new C# Windows Forms client-side development?

I am database newbie with limited experience using ADO to interface to
an Access 97 database. It sounds like ADO.NET is a database interface
and not a database itself. Is MSDE the way to go for a client-side
database? I hear it is a freely distributable "SQL Lite".

My application is client-side only. I would like to find a database
technology that will be around for a long time. Also one that is easy
to create install programs for; no MDAC, Jet, etc. distribution
headaches. My data is heirarchial, and I need to be able to store
variable length binary blob fields as well.

Thanks in advance for any tips or direction,


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