OT? Newsgroup posts take long time to leave Outbox



Using XP SP2, IE7.
I subscribe to groups on several news servers that are extraneous to the
news server run by my ISP, including msnews.microsoft.com. Every post I make
to groups on these servers leaves my Outbox almost instantaneously, EXCEPT
those I post to msnews.microsoft.com. These can take anything up to 30
seconds to leave the Outbox. Can anyone think why this should be, and is
there a fix?



When did you last Compact Outlook Express and run Disk Defragmenter?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute



I know nothing about Thunderbird! Are you geting the problem using
Outlook Express? If yes what is the answer to my question?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute


Gerry said:

I know nothing about Thunderbird! Are you geting the problem using Outlook
Express? If yes what is the answer to my question?

I use both, and the phenomenon happens in both. Defragging the HDD has
nothing to do with this problem....

Tim Slattery

Gordon said:
Using XP SP2, IE7.
I subscribe to groups on several news servers that are extraneous to the
news server run by my ISP, including msnews.microsoft.com. Every post I make
to groups on these servers leaves my Outbox almost instantaneously, EXCEPT
those I post to msnews.microsoft.com. These can take anything up to 30
seconds to leave the Outbox. Can anyone think why this should be, and is
there a fix?

I don' think this has anything to do with your computer, your
software, your network connection or anything on your end. The MS
server farm just takes a while to handle a new post. I use Agent to
read the groups. When I send a post off, Agent handles it in the
background and I can go back to reading other posts. I do notice that
the "Sending new post" progress bar stays around for 30 seconds or so,
like you've noticed.


Tim Slattery said:
I don' think this has anything to do with your computer, your
software, your network connection or anything on your end. The MS
server farm just takes a while to handle a new post. I use Agent to
read the groups. When I send a post off, Agent handles it in the
background and I can go back to reading other posts. I do notice that
the "Sending new post" progress bar stays around for 30 seconds or so,
like you've noticed.

Interestingly, I'm posting this from an XP SP2 machine in a different
location on a different (8MB) broadband supplier and the posts leave the
outbox in one or two seconds....the broadband I usually connect to at home
is only 1MB....


Same here Gordon.


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

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