organize cells alphabetically



I don't remember how to imput a name and organize them alphabetically??? Can
anyone help me please


Type the names in a column in any order
Select the Column and choose Data|Sort and pick your options



General rules for setting up data for sorting:
1. A single row of titles - First Name for example.
2. Format the titles differently from the data below - bold the title First
3. Keep the data separated from other stuff in the sheet by at least a blank
row and column. Don't put something directly adjacent to the data that you
don't want to sort.
4. No completely blank rows or columns within the data to be sorted.

After enteing the names in a column select them and click the Sort Ascending
toolbar button. This may not work if your data is not set up properly.

If you have first and last names keep them in separate columns. If last
name is in column A and first name is in column B and you want to sort by
last name/first name, like the phone book. Select the two columns of names
and choose Data, Sort, and pick the Last name column from the Sort by drop
down and choose Ascending, then pick the First name column from the Then by
drop down and choose Ascending. Click OK.

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