Order form with javascript & php files will not work in FrontPage



Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
Joe's Girl said:
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I was
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched the
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as simple
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the control
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter what
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.

Thomas A. Rowe said:
The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or Word.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

Joe's Girl said:
"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-) At
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work when
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be willing
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to touch


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http
or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | "Joe's Girl" <[email protected]> wrote in
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially
forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > "Joe's Girl" <[email protected]> wrote in
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host
control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via FP.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to
combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > | > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want? Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms. Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?

Ripper said:
Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
Joe's Girl said:
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I was
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched the
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as simple
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the control
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter what
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.

Thomas A. Rowe said:
The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or Word.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-) At
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work when
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be willing
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to touch


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via FP.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > | > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want? Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms. Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


Ripper you are my hero!!!!!

Your suggestion of editing live in FP,
and changing this little line from the form that didn't work:
<form method="POST" action="order.php">

To this line from the form that does work:
<form method="POST" name="FrontPage_Form1" action="order.php"
onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">

Made it happen!!!!
I have NO idea what it all means, but I don't care at the moment...IT WORKS!!!

Thank you everyone who helped me track this down!

Joe's Girl said:
I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?

Ripper said:
Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
Joe's Girl said:
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I was
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched the
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as simple
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the control
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter what
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or Word.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-) At
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work when
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be willing
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to touch


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via FP.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > | > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want? Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms. Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


Always. You have to use FP to edit the form. Editing a form in Word doesn't
make any sense to me. Why use a word processor to edit HTML files? It is
possible, but there are so many different things within the code now and FP
is written to handle most of them on it's own now, Word isn't. When I used
FP 98, 2000, I used to use DreamWeaver to edit PHP, JS and other files that
FP would alter if you used it to edit them. Now with FP 03, it handles them

Joe's Girl said:
I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?

Ripper said:
Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
Joe's Girl said:
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file.
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as simple
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the control
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter what
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen
the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to
want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or Word.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to touch


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard
about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form
here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have
buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the
when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all
I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code
make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know
I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via
or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://....
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention
mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site
forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > "Joe's Girl" <[email protected]>
wrote in
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form
page. I
also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go
it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form
just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't
entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web
control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have
combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > | > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I
Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage
Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage
had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able
upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way
should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work
FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I
know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


Cool, glad I could help.
Basic explanation... (I always try to explain things in simple terms, it's
so much easier than trying to prove how smart I think I am.. It often comes
back to bite you on the ass when you do)
The method "Post" is what you want when you are sending info... if you want
to get info and add it to your form, the method would be "Get". Don't bother
with that one unless you are making much more complex forms.
The action is the page that does the work...
The onSubmit is what makes the form work, grabs the validation info,
You really don't need to know how it works unless you want to create your
own forms outside of FP. Editing live on the server uses the FP extensions
which manage the forms to write the proper form code for you. Publishing
from a local web will not always do that for you. If you copy your forms to
do other things on the same page, make sure to always rename the copy to
form2, form3, etc.... in each instance where the form names itself. (it may
do this automatically, it may not)This will make sure the right data is
passed to the right form.
Joe's Girl said:
Ripper you are my hero!!!!!

Your suggestion of editing live in FP,
and changing this little line from the form that didn't work:
<form method="POST" action="order.php">

To this line from the form that does work:
<form method="POST" name="FrontPage_Form1" action="order.php"
onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">

Made it happen!!!!
I have NO idea what it all means, but I don't care at the moment...IT WORKS!!!

Thank you everyone who helped me track this down!

Joe's Girl said:
I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?

Ripper said:
Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you
want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-)
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and
tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way
about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page
here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra
buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file
when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that
I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to
make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what
I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http
or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http
mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially
forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the
control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've
added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I
also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where
it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks
just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get
entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host
control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to
combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links,
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for
FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > "Joe's Girl"
wrote in message
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want?
Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms.
Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and
had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to
upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they
should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with
FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't
know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


Well, editing in Word was just an experiment...I had nothing to loose really.

But the good news is...It's fixed!

Editing it live on the server and,

changing this little line from the form that didn't work:
<form method="POST" action="order.php">

To this line from the form that does work:
<form method="POST" name="FrontPage_Form1" action="order.php"
onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">

Made it happen!!!!
I have NO idea what it all means, but I don't care at the moment...IT

Ripper said:
Always. You have to use FP to edit the form. Editing a form in Word doesn't
make any sense to me. Why use a word processor to edit HTML files? It is
possible, but there are so many different things within the code now and FP
is written to handle most of them on it's own now, Word isn't. When I used
FP 98, 2000, I used to use DreamWeaver to edit PHP, JS and other files that
FP would alter if you used it to edit them. Now with FP 03, it handles them

Joe's Girl said:
I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?

Ripper said:
Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you
want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-)
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and
tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way
about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page
here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra
buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file
when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that
I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to
make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what
I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http
or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http
mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially
forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the
control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've
added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I
also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where
it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks
just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get
entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host
control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to
combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links,
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for
FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > "Joe's Girl" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want?
Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms.
Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and
had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to
upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they
should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with
FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't
know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >


Doh! I posted this answer twice. Sorry!!!

Joe's Girl said:
Well, editing in Word was just an experiment...I had nothing to loose really.

But the good news is...It's fixed!

Editing it live on the server and,

changing this little line from the form that didn't work:
<form method="POST" action="order.php">

To this line from the form that does work:
<form method="POST" name="FrontPage_Form1" action="order.php"
onSubmit="return FrontPage_Form1_Validator(this)">

Made it happen!!!!
I have NO idea what it all means, but I don't care at the moment...IT

Ripper said:
Always. You have to use FP to edit the form. Editing a form in Word doesn't
make any sense to me. Why use a word processor to edit HTML files? It is
possible, but there are so many different things within the code now and FP
is written to handle most of them on it's own now, Word isn't. When I used
FP 98, 2000, I used to use DreamWeaver to edit PHP, JS and other files that
FP would alter if you used it to edit them. Now with FP 03, it handles them

Joe's Girl said:
I usually edit locally and then publish, I can't remember if I've ever tried
editing live in FP (that sounds dumb I know but I've been fighting with this
for a lonnnng time). I tried in Word earlier this week and that was a
disaster ;-)

Do you use FP to do your editing on the form page?


Stupid question. Are you working local and publishing or live on the server?
It's possible that editing your files local and then publishing is somehow
not updating the relative paths when you publish. I always work live on the
server, then publish the changes to my local copy. When I started using
FrontPage, forms HAD TO BE created and manipulated live on the server. I'm
not sure if that is still the case, but it is still the way I do it and no
amount of page editing changes the form actions unless I screw something up,
which happens........
"> The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
browser. "
OK, I can understand that.

The script files are separate (text) files from the actual form file. I
thinking the problem lies in the form code. Since I have never touched
text files, only the form. Does that sound right or am I missing some key

Here's a list of the "related" files:


One would think if I opened the form page in FP changed something as
as a font color, saved and uploaded again (either through FP or the
panel) that it would still work. Something is happening that nomatter
program I use to edit when I'm done the form doesn't "talk" to the script
files any more. I would just like to find out what that is, and fix it.

Thanks for taking the time to help me with this.


The problem with any server-side script, is that it can't be seen via
the browser. Your best option
is to contact the individual the made to form and have explain to you
want can and can not be
edited, also you may need to edit this file in Notepad and not FP or

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
To assist you in getting the best answers for FrontPage support see:

"Brave" isn't exactly the word I'd use...desperate is more like it ;-)
this point I'm willing to try just about anything.

I just want to be able to edit this silly thing and have it still work
I'm done. Is this too much to ask?! :)

Ya know, worst case scenario if someone could look at the code and
tell me
what's OK to change and what I should never - ever touch I might be
to try editing it manually. As of right now though, I'm afraid to


Are you saying you opened a FP form page with Word??
If so, you're much braver than I :)

| It is definately being published via http, I learned the hard way
about FP &
| ftp.
| I tried an experiment yesterday and tried opening the form page
here at work
| by clicking on the Edit with Microsoft Word, and now I have extra
buttons and
| the fields don't do their thing. I didn't even 'Save' the file
when I was
| done, I just closed the window, and change font colors is all that
I fiddled
| with. Is there any way to tell what is happening to the code to
make it not
| work? I've looked at it a hundred times, but I don't know what
I'm looking
| for...
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > oh...you're right! I guess I should be saying Publish via http
or Publish via ftp...
otherwise it could be confusing huh!
| >
| >
| > | It is only the same if you are using a http://.... location
instead of a ftp://...
location as the destination
| > |
| > | --
| > |
| > | _____________________________________________
| > | SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | _____________________________________________
| > |
| > |
| > | "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| > | | > | its the same
| > |
| > |
| > |
| > | | I use "Publish Site" from the File menu. You mention "http
mode" is that
| > | | something different?
| > | |
| > | | "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > | |
| > | | > Don't use any upload methods for the FP site (especially
forms) except Publish in http
mode in FP
| > | | >
| > | | > --
| > | | >
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > | | > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > | | > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > | | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > _____________________________________________
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | > | I wouldn't mind so much having to upload through the
control panel, if I
| > | | > | could edit the form page somehow. For example I've
added a page to my site
| > | | > | and I can't put a link button to it on the form page. I
also need to add a
| > | | > | "Special Instructions" field & have that info go where
it's supposed to.
| > | | > |
| > | | > | As for what happens when I publish w/FP: The form looks
just fine but the
| > | | > | "automatic" features don't work...the price doesn't get
entered and the
| > | | > | fields that are not applicable don't get disabled.
| > | | > |
| > | | > |
| > | | > | "Thomas A. Rowe" wrote:
| > | | > |
| > | | > | > I would suggest that you continue to use your web host
control panel to upload the
files, unless you
| > | | > | > tell us exactly what is happen when you publish via
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > Also if you are using custom written JavaScript
validation function, then you can
not use FP Form
| > | | > | > Field Validation at the same time. You would have to
combine both set of scripts
into one, and then
| > | | > | > do no use FP Form Field Validation function.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > --
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| > | | > | > WEBMASTER Resources(tm)
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links,
| > | | > | > ==============================================
| > | | > | > To assist you in getting the best answers for
FrontPage support see:
| > | | > | > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > "Joe's Girl" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | > > Any idea how I can get FP to do the things I want?
Is there a tutorial
| > | | > | > > somwhere?
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > "bubbles" wrote:
| > | | > | > >
| > | | > | > > > JoesGirl,
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > your best bet is to stick with Frontpage Forms.
Script and php is opensource
| > | | > | > > > and might have issues with FP extensions.
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > bubbles
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > "Joe's Girl" wrote:
| > | | > | > > >
| > | | > | > > > > I have created an order form in FrontPage and
had someone write the script
| > | | > | > > > > files for me. At this point I am not able to
upload these files to my site
| > | | > | > > > > through FP 2003 and have them work the way they
should. I can upload them
| > | | > | > > > > from my server control panel and they will work.
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Is there any way to get these files to work with
FP? At this point I am
| > | | > | > > > > unable to edit/update my form page since I don't
know HTML. (I'm a WYSIWYG
| > | | > | > > > > kinda gal :) )
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > http://winning-ribbons.com/OrderForm.htm
| > | | > | > > > >
| > | | > | > > > > Thanks.
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | > | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > | | >
| > |
| > |
| >

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