Options for front end applications



Running a split, FE/BE, database with MDE front-ends. It seems reasonable to
make the front-ends "open exclusive" and "compact on close". Using A2003 with
Terminal Server. Comments and warnings appreciated.

Nick Coe \(UK\)

In Charlie typed:
Running a split, FE/BE, database with MDE front-ends. It
reasonable to make the front-ends "open exclusive" and
"compact on
close". Using A2003 with Terminal Server. Comments and

Opening exclusive... If it means not opening shared, then
no other FE will be able to write to your BE.
Mind, then you'll be able to change design stuff..... :)
But if you're using mde's for front ends then why should you
want to open exclusive?

Compact on close? Some people like it, some don't. I
don't. Why? Because if there is a problem the integral
repair can't fix then you're stuffed. Back up the data mdb

Nick Coe (UK)
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Douglas J. Steele

Just in case you weren't aware, "compact on close" only compacts the
front-end, and it shouldn't really be necessary to compact your front-end
that often, especially if it's an MDE

Albert D. Kallal

I would not worry about the open "excusive" option. I would leave that
setting alone. (users might use other databases, and thus I would leave this
setting alone).

However, the compact on close make a lot sense, and actually allows you to
use small temp tables in your designs, and not have to train/tell users to
compact the database. In fact, the recommend approach in your software
designs is to avoid temp tables, or in fact have your software create a new
separate mdb...link to it..and then delete it when done. (this avoids bloat
in the FE).

However, compact on close solves this problem very nicely, and thus you
don't have to resort to creating a separate mdb for your temp table stuff.


Hi Nick,
I thought each user would have their OWN front end so "exclusive" would seem
to take of that, no?
Naturally, the backend will be "shared".


Hi Albert,
We have 3 tour desks at different hotels and a pool of 10 - 15 people that
work at all 3 hotels. We have a laptop at each hotel. A user can be at any
of the 3 hotels. I have set it up so each hotel has its own "front end" and
I have a few small tables in the front end to identify where the sales are
taking place (default hotel name). It seems to me that opening these front
ends "exclusive" would ensure that two users don't end up using the same FE
at the same time.

Thanks for the help,

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