Option Group Filtering



I have searched and read anything to do with option group filtering in this
thread but am not understanding what I am reading so here is the question.

I have an option group on my form that has 5 different check boxes.
All, Active, Billout, Hold, and Storage.

I want to filter my form frmOrderInfo based on what is checked. The field
that holds the value I want to filter on is my field [Order Status]

I could use help with syntax and what is the best way to apply the filter.
Would it be based on a case statement looking for the value of the frame or
on each check box in the option group?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.


This is air code, but I think it's pretty close. You can execute this in
the On Click event for the option group or for a command button. It uses a
Select Case on the value of the option group. Comments are below.

Private Sub optOrderStatus_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_optOrderStatus_Click

'For simplicity, I will assume that the below constant values have been
'to each check box in the option group *and* that these values coincide
with the
'"Order Status" values to be used for filtering records.

'Also assuming one of the check boxes has been set as a default in the

Const conAll As Integer = 1
Const conActive As Integer = 2
Const conBillout As Integer = 3
Const conHold As Integer = 4
Const conStorage As Integer = 5

Dim intOrderStatus As Integer

With Me
.FilterOn = True
'Assuming option group control is named "optOrderStatus".
Select Case !optOrderStatus

Case conAll

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case conActive

intOrderStatus = conActive

Case conBillout

intOrderStatus = conBillout

Case conHold

intOrderStatus = conHold

Case conStorage

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case Else

'Do something else, like display an error message.

End Select

End With

DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[Order Status] = " & intOrderStatus

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_optOrderStatus_Click

End Sub



Thank you for your reply. I must have misquoted in my previous. I set the
options in the option group to be 1-5 but the data that is in the [Order
Status] field is text

Since this is looking for an interger, and I need it to look for the above
text in the [Order Status] field, when it gets to the Filter code I get a
The apply filter action was canceled.

Is there a quick fix to make this?

Basically if optOrdersStatus value = 2 then filter on field [Order Status]
where [Order Status] = "Active"

Thanks Again

MikeC said:
This is air code, but I think it's pretty close. You can execute this in
the On Click event for the option group or for a command button. It uses a
Select Case on the value of the option group. Comments are below.

Private Sub optOrderStatus_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_optOrderStatus_Click

'For simplicity, I will assume that the below constant values have been
'to each check box in the option group *and* that these values coincide
with the
'"Order Status" values to be used for filtering records.

'Also assuming one of the check boxes has been set as a default in the

Const conAll As Integer = 1
Const conActive As Integer = 2
Const conBillout As Integer = 3
Const conHold As Integer = 4
Const conStorage As Integer = 5

Dim intOrderStatus As Integer

With Me
.FilterOn = True
'Assuming option group control is named "optOrderStatus".
Select Case !optOrderStatus

Case conAll

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case conActive

intOrderStatus = conActive

Case conBillout

intOrderStatus = conBillout

Case conHold

intOrderStatus = conHold

Case conStorage

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case Else

'Do something else, like display an error message.

End Select

End With

DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[Order Status] = " & intOrderStatus

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_optOrderStatus_Click

End Sub


cvegas said:
I have searched and read anything to do with option group filtering in this
thread but am not understanding what I am reading so here is the question.

I have an option group on my form that has 5 different check boxes.
All, Active, Billout, Hold, and Storage.

I want to filter my form frmOrderInfo based on what is checked. The field
that holds the value I want to filter on is my field [Order Status]

I could use help with syntax and what is the best way to apply the filter.
Would it be based on a case statement looking for the value of the frame
on each check box in the option group?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.


Yes, the solution is easy,

1) Change "Dim intOrderStatus As Integer" to "Dim strOrderStatus As

2) Replace each of the remaining 6 instances of "intOrderStatus" with

3) For each case statement, set "strOrderStatus" equal to the appropriate
text string. Example:

Case conAll

strOrderStatus = "All"

cvegas said:
Thank you for your reply. I must have misquoted in my previous. I set
options in the option group to be 1-5 but the data that is in the [Order
Status] field is text

Since this is looking for an interger, and I need it to look for the above
text in the [Order Status] field, when it gets to the Filter code I get a
The apply filter action was canceled.

Is there a quick fix to make this?

Basically if optOrdersStatus value = 2 then filter on field [Order Status]
where [Order Status] = "Active"

Thanks Again

MikeC said:
This is air code, but I think it's pretty close. You can execute this in
the On Click event for the option group or for a command button. It uses
Select Case on the value of the option group. Comments are below.

Private Sub optOrderStatus_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_optOrderStatus_Click

'For simplicity, I will assume that the below constant values have
'to each check box in the option group *and* that these values
with the
'"Order Status" values to be used for filtering records.

'Also assuming one of the check boxes has been set as a default in

Const conAll As Integer = 1
Const conActive As Integer = 2
Const conBillout As Integer = 3
Const conHold As Integer = 4
Const conStorage As Integer = 5

Dim intOrderStatus As Integer

With Me
.FilterOn = True
'Assuming option group control is named "optOrderStatus".
Select Case !optOrderStatus

Case conAll

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case conActive

intOrderStatus = conActive

Case conBillout

intOrderStatus = conBillout

Case conHold

intOrderStatus = conHold

Case conStorage

intOrderStatus = conAll

Case Else

'Do something else, like display an error message.

End Select

End With

DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[Order Status] = " & intOrderStatus

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_optOrderStatus_Click

End Sub


cvegas said:
I have searched and read anything to do with option group filtering in
thread but am not understanding what I am reading so here is the

I have an option group on my form that has 5 different check boxes.
All, Active, Billout, Hold, and Storage.

I want to filter my form frmOrderInfo based on what is checked. The
that holds the value I want to filter on is my field [Order Status]

I could use help with syntax and what is the best way to apply the
Would it be based on a case statement looking for the value of the
on each check box in the option group?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide.

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