Option Base 1; how to also make auto-arrays set to base 1?



Using XL 2003.
I generally set Option Base 1 in my projects, as a personal preference (MS
gave us the option, so I'd think either way is ok).

However, even in Option Base 1 project, some arrays don't start with 1, such

Option Base 1
Sub testme
CArray = Array(1,2,3,4)
Msgbox CArray(1) 'returns a value of 2
End Sub

Is there a way to ensure that these 'on the fly' arrays also start with Base
1, or am I stuck with having mixed array types if I assign these arrays on
the fly?



I know it is a pain as I was a big option base 1 guy, but the best thing to
do is just bite the bullet and go 0. it took a couple months to get down but
now its second nature. Having mixed is bad news, especially if someone else
has to mess with your code.


John- thanks for the reply. I guess it just seems strange to me that MS
wouldn't have those 'on the fly' arrays also default to base 1 when Option
Base1 is on, and I wasn't sure if there was some other setting I needed to
change. It's too late to change my current projects, but I guess I'll need
to noodle on switching for any new projects.

Bob Phillips

and me in XL2007



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Chip Pearson


You should always make your code agnostic to the Option Base setting. ALWAYS
use LBound and UBound to get the bounds of the array. Relying on the Option
Base statement is an invitation to bugs when copy/pasting code between
modules and projects that may have no Option Base statement or an Option
Base statement different from that of the source module.

Dim Arr As Variant
Dim N As Long
Arr = Array("A", "B", "C", "D")
Debug.Print "LBound: " & CStr(LBound(Arr)), _
"UBound: " & CStr(UBound(Arr)), "Arr(1): " & CStr(Arr(1))
Debug.Print "First element: " & Arr(LBound(Arr))
Debug.Print "Last element: " & Arr(UBound(Arr))
' List all elements
For N = LBound(Arr) To UBound(Arr)
Debug.Print CStr(N), CStr(Arr(N))
Next N

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)


Thank you also to Tom, Bob, and Chip for your feedback. Chip, I like the
idea of UBound and LBound in concept, I just haven't gone there in code
because it adds a layer of complexity that my brain hasn't rewired itself
for when writing (and re-reading, tweaking) code ;-)

Tom and Bob- I learned a valuable thing today- there was one small code
difference that Chip alluded to in his response, and that I wouldn't have
caught if both of you hadn't tested my code- I always thought that Option
Base 1 only had to be in one Module to work for the whole workbook, like a
public declaration. The code I was using was in a separate module and I
added the OB1 to the top just to provide copy/paste code in my post. I just
tested, and apparently it is a module-specific setting. Wow. I'm surprised I
haven't run into problems before, but that's probably because I tend to
declare arrays whenever possible, and always declare them with a base of 1
in addition to having Option Base 1 in a module somewhere. Now I know

Now that I know I'd have to have OB1 in every module (and every worksheet
with code) I'm much more inclined to stick with a zero-bound system and/or
the UBound/LBound approach!

Many, many thanks for the help to all of you!

Chip Pearson

Just an additional piece of advice. NEVER declare an array with only the
upper bound. E.g.,

Dim V(10) As Long

This is dependent on the Option Base setting (which as you have found out
applies only to the module in which it occurs). In some circumstances, V
will have 10 elements, and in other circumstances it will have 11, depending
on Option Base. This will cause bugs if you copy code from one module to
another. Always declare your arrays with both the lower and upper bounds.

Dim V(1 To 10) As Long
' or
Dim V(0 To 9) As Long

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)

Jon Peltier

I like the idea of UBound and LBound in concept, I just haven't gone there
in code because it adds a layer of complexity that my brain hasn't rewired
itself for when writing (and re-reading, tweaking) code

Believe it or not, I find that LBound and UBound add a layer of simplicity,
because it's one less thing I have to think about. When I don't know where
an array comes from, I also use LBound to identify the element I need:

FirstElement = MyArray(LBound(MyArray))
SecondElement = MyArray(LBound(MyArray)+1)

- Jon


Whilst your example was not correct as to VBA's behaviour and others have
pointed out better way of dealing with arrays, you should be aware that
there are statements that do ignore the Option base setting. e.g.

Option Base 1
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim carray
carray = Split("1,2,3,4", ",")
MsgBox carray(1) 'returns a value of 2
End Sub


Alan Beban

Keith said:
Using XL 2003.
I generally set Option Base 1 in my projects, as a personal preference (MS
gave us the option, so I'd think either way is ok).

However, even in Option Base 1 project, some arrays don't start with 1, such

Option Base 1
Sub testme
CArray = Array(1,2,3,4)
Msgbox CArray(1) 'returns a value of 2
End Sub

Is there a way to ensure that these 'on the fly' arrays also start with Base
1, or am I stuck with having mixed array types if I assign these arrays on
the fly?

If you use the following function you can code

CArray=ConvertBase(Array(1,2,3,4),1) or, in Nick HK's example

CArray = ConvertBase(Split("1,2,3,4", ","),1),

for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D arrays

Function ConvertBase(ByRef InputArray, _
ByVal ResultingBase1 As Long, _
Optional ByVal ResultingBase2, _
Optional ByVal ResultingBase3)
'This function converts the base(s) of an
'input array to the integer(s) that is/are
'input as the ResultingBase argument(s).
'It accepts arrays with base(s) equal to
'the number(s) of the ResultingBase argument(s),
'simply leaving them as is. It returns the
'converted array for use in other functions.

Dim ina, outa, Msg As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long, p As Integer
Dim rb1 As Long, rb2 As Long, rb3 As Long
Dim lb1 As Long, lb2 As Long, ub1 As Long, ub2 As Long

'Insure that InputArray is an array
If Not IsArray(InputArray) Or IsObject(InputArray) Then
Msg = "The first argument to this function must be an array."
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End If

'Determine the number of dimensions of InputArray
On Error Resume Next
i = 1
z = UBound(InputArray, i)
i = i + 1
Loop While Err = 0
Err = 0
On Error GoTo 0

'Assign dimensions of InputArray to a variable
p = i - 2

'Insure that InputArray is not greater than 3-Dimensional
Msg = "Function does not accept arrays with more than 3 dimensions"
If p > 3 Then
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End If

'For convenience in referring to ResultingBase
rb1 = ResultingBase1
If Not IsMissing(ResultingBase2) Then
If Not TypeName(ResultingBase2) = "Integer" _
And Not TypeName(ResultingBase2) = "Long" Then
Msg = "The optional second argument must be an integer"
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End If
rb2 = ResultingBase2
ElseIf p > 1 Then
rb2 = LBound(InputArray, 2)
End If
If Not IsMissing(ResultingBase3) Then
If Not TypeName(ResultingBase3) = "Integer" _
And Not TypeName(ResultingBase3) = "Long" Then
Msg = "The optional third argument must be an integer"
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End If
rb3 = ResultingBase3
ElseIf p = 3 Then
rb3 = LBound(InputArray, 3)
End If

'For convenience in referring to InputArray
ina = InputArray
lb1 = LBound(ina, 1)
ub1 = UBound(ina, 1)

If p = 1 Then

'Redimension and load the 1-D output array
Select Case TypeName(ina)
Case "Object()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Object
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
Set outa(i) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1)
Case "Boolean()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Boolean
Case "Byte()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Byte
Case "Currency()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Currency
Case "Date()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Date
Case "Double()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Double
Case "Integer()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Integer
Case "Long()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Long
Case "Single()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Single
Case "String()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As String
Case "Variant()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1) As Variant
Case Else
Msg = "The function accepts arrays of only built-in types."
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End Select

If TypeName(outa) <> "Object()" Then
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
outa(i) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1)
End If

ElseIf p = 2 Or p = 3 Then

'For convenience in reference
lb2 = LBound(ina, 2)
ub2 = UBound(ina, 2)
If p = 2 Then
'Redimension and load the 2-D output array
Select Case TypeName(ina)
Case "Object()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Object
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
For j = rb2 To ub2 - lb2 + rb2
Set outa(i, j) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1, j + lb2 - rb2)
Case "Boolean()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Boolean
Case "Byte()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Byte
Case "Currency()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Currency
Case "Date()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Date
Case "Double()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Double
Case "Integer()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Integer
Case "Long()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Long
Case "Single()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Single
Case "String()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As String
Case "Variant()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2) As Variant
Case Else
Msg = "The function accepts arrays of only built-in types."
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End Select

If TypeName(ina) <> "Object()" Then
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
For j = rb2 To ub2 - lb2 + rb2
outa(i, j) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1, j + lb2 - rb2)
End If

ElseIf p = 3 Then

'For convenience in reference
lb3 = LBound(ina, 3)
ub3 = UBound(ina, 3)

'Redimension and load the 3-D output array
Select Case TypeName(ina)
Case "Object()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Object
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
For j = rb2 To ub2 - lb2 + rb2
For k = rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3
Set outa(i, j, k) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1, j +
lb2 - rb2, k + lb3 - rb3)
Case "Boolean()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Boolean
Case "Byte()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Byte
Case "Currency()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Currency
Case "Date()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Date
Case "Double()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Double
Case "Integer()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Integer
Case "Long()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Long
Case "Single()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Single
Case "String()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As String
Case "Variant()"
ReDim outa(rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1, rb2 To ub2 - lb2 +
rb2, rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3) As Variant
Case Else
Msg = "The function accepts arrays of only built-in types."
If TypeOf Application.Caller Is Range Then
ConvertBase = Msg: Exit Function
MsgBox Msg, 16: Exit Function
End If
End Select

If TypeName(ina) <> "Object()" Then
For i = rb1 To ub1 - lb1 + rb1
For j = rb2 To ub2 - lb2 + rb2
For k = rb3 To ub3 - lb3 + rb3
outa(i, j, k) = ina(i + lb1 - rb1, j + lb2 -
rb2, k + lb3 - rb3)
End If
End If
End If

'Convert the input array to the resulting base
InputArray = outa

'Return converted array for calls from other functions
ConvertBase = outa

End Function

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