optical mouse pointer moving by itself


Steve Greves

Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on its
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

any help appreciated!


Dave C.

Steve Greves said:
Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on its
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

any help appreciated!


Try a different mouse pad. If it's not on a mouse pad, use one. Just be
aware that not all mouse pads will work OK with optical mice. If there is
any kind of reflective coating at all, your optical mouse won't work
ight. -Dave


Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on its
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

any help appreciated!

Try a different mouse. If that does the same, then I would suspect
virus infection.

David Besack

Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

I had this happen once because some parts of my mouse pad was reflective.
It would jump all over. I replaced the mousepad and everything was fine.


Steve said:
Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on its
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

any help appreciated!


You mean when you move it rapidly to the right, it seems to jump to the

cpt Bollox

Steve Greves said:
Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer is moving on its
own accord to the left of the screen on countless number of occasions. What
can i do to correct this problem , aside from purchasing another mouse?

any help appreciated!


Some optical mice arnt up to the job.


no reflective material can be used with optical mice as a pad. No
glass desk tops and the like.


Steve Greves said:
Hi, I have a benq 101 optical mouse, and the mouse pointer
is moving on its own accord to the left of the screen on
countless number of occasions.

Have you tried blowing or brushing the dust out of the hole where it
glows? That fixed similar problems with my optical mice.

Another problem I've had is the cord being cut where it exits the
mouse. The cord is held tight by a "U" or "S" shaped channel, but its
sharp corners can cut through the cord. So I take an Xacto knife and
round off the sharp edges.

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