Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3 (MK_E_UNAVAILABLE))


John Braham

I hope someone can hep with this!

I have a winform (VB.NET 2005), containing a tab control, which in
turn contains a few standard controls and one custom control, the form
used to work fine, then today for no apparent reason when I try to load
the designer for the form I am given a message box saying that the tab
control has thrown an unhandled exception and has been disabled:

Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3

Then of course the designer won't load,

any suggestions please?

John Braham


John Braham said:
I hope someone can hep with this!

I have a winform (VB.NET 2005), containing a tab control, which in
turn contains a few standard controls and one custom control, the form
used to work fine, then today for no apparent reason when I try to load
the designer for the form I am given a message box saying that the tab
control has thrown an unhandled exception and has been disabled:

Operation unavailable (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800401E3

Then of course the designer won't load,

any suggestions please?

John Braham

What is the custom control? If it's one of your controls, create a new form
and drag/drop the user control onto it to see if it's that causing the

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