Operation must use an updateable query




I am using MS access 2000 nad getting following error from
an update statement in form.
"Operation must use an updateable query".

doCmd.RunSQL "update fluency set code = " _
& " (select code from languages where description = '" &
LANGUAGE & "')" _
& " where soc = '" & SOC & "'" _
& " and code is null "
( where LANGUAGE AND SOC are values from the form )

Fluency.soc, Fluency.Code fields are primary keys & indexed
Languages.Description, Languages.Code fields are primary
keys & indexed.

Security is set as "full control"

Any suggestion is very appreciated.


Michel Walsh


The problem seems to be with the table/query fluency which is not
updateable. You are probably not able to update it either directly from the
query designer. The SQL statement you posted do not seem to be the problem.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

Michel Walsh


Have you tried:

"UPDATE fluency, languages SET fluency.code = languages.code
WHERE languages.description='" & LANGUAGE & "' AND fluency.soc='" & SOC & "'
AND fleuncy.code IS NULL"

If it is not working either, can you specify if you are using Jet or MS
SQL Server as database engine.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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