opening worksheet



Hi, I have a worksheet that contains a column of dates. If I double
click to open, or use File-Open etc, the dates format ok. I want to
open using vba, so I recorded a macro, but when I run the macro, some
dates format ok, august dates, others format as usa, september dates.
then code I used is Workbooks.Open Filename:= _
"C:\Documents and Settings\Robert\Desktop\FOOTBALL\Soccer
Predictions\E0.csv". Any ideas please.
Regards Robert


Usually problems like this are attributed to different type an d amount of
white spaces (spaces, tabs, other non-printable characters). You may need to
add to your macro some additionals code such as trim or substitue tabs for

Dave Peterson

In xl2003+ (maybe xl2002???), there's a "local:=true" parm that you can pass to
the line. It'll use the regional settings (under control panel)
for the date format.

If you don't have that parm in your version of excel, then maybe you could
rename the file from *.csv to *.txt. Then you can specify what each field
should be--including the date order (mdy or dmy or...).


Thankyou both for your replys. I used the "local:=true" parm. Worked a
treat. It always amazes me as to how simple the solution can be.
Thanks for pointing it out.
Regards Robert

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