Opening up a word document and then running a mail merge



I've googled this to death, but still no answer - but I thought I'd ask in
here for one last chance.

I've got a form in an Access database with a command button that, when its
clicked, runs an Event Procedure to open up a MS Word document. The word
document is a mail merge that has the data source linked back to the
database I've just clicked the command button in.

For whatever reason, I have to re-establish the data source and locate the
database, etc, for the mail merge to work. I know its not a problem with
the mail merge word document, because when I open that directly from within
Word, the data source is still linked to the database. It's really
frustrating and as I said above, I've tried to seek a resolution by googling
an answer.

Albert D. Kallal

Well, it not such a problem if you have the re-connect code in your merge
code, and then at least your users never worry about this problem.

However, there is a HUGE list of problems that occur when you let the word
document *connect* to ms-access. A few are:

if you have more then on version of ms-access, which version of
ms-access does word use?

If you install the runtime, then this is essentially another version,
and again word gets confused as to which version of ms-access?

If word locks up while *connected* to ms-access, you are likely to bring
down both word and ms-access!!!

If you move the location for the mdb file, then again the connection to
mdb will be broken

if you have a password on the mdb file, then again the word merge breaks

if you have security (workgroup security) setup, then again, the word
document likely will fail when it tries to connect

if you move the data to sql server, then again password and permissions
problems come up.

I could likely write another 200-300 reasons. The simple matter is that you
are MUCH MUCH better to NOT let word connect to the mdb file.

So, I wrote a general solution that eliminates all issues of security,
moving files etc. You can find my super easy word merge here:

The other advantage of the above code is that you can word merge ANY form
*current* record to word with ONE LINE of code behind a button.

download, and give the sample a try....


DEFINITELY use Albert Kallal's Super Easy Word Merge.
I had one or two niggles setting it up, mostly down to my own stoopidity.
Once it was correctly configured it hasn't looked back or failed me once.
It is REALLY slick and all our users LOVE it.
(By the way Albert you owe me some commission now...)


download, and give the sample a try....

Thank you very much! After a bit of tweeking I have managed to spoon in
your excellent solution in to my database and it now appears to work a

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