Opening app



I have my app all ready to use. Problem is when I open it using a
shortcut to access with startup as my input form, The form opens up
fine but behind it I see the access application/development window. I
only want to see my input form when I invoke the app.
Could someone please tell me what else I need to do in startup to make
this happen?


Joanne said:
I have my app all ready to use. Problem is when I open it using a
shortcut to access with startup as my input form, The form opens up
fine but behind it I see the access application/development window. I
only want to see my input form when I invoke the app.
Could someone please tell me what else I need to do in startup to make
this happen?

Go to tools>startup and select the form name in the "Display Form/Page"
combo box that you want to be displayed first, then deselect the "Display
Database Window" check box. You can also select or deselect any other option
you wish to display form here also.

Have a great day



I did that but still the form opens up in the access appplication
window. The form is much smaller than the app window. What I really
would like to see is the form only, not msaccess menus or toolbars or
Can this be done?
Thanks for you input - I appreciate your time



If you created the form inside of Access, then the answer is no. To my
knowledge, forms created in Access are not stand alone and require the
application to run.

If you create forms using, lets say, then that is true because these
will compile into machine code.


Dirk Goldgar

Joanne said:
I have my app all ready to use. Problem is when I open it using a
shortcut to access with startup as my input form, The form opens up
fine but behind it I see the access application/development window. I
only want to see my input form when I invoke the app.
Could someone please tell me what else I need to do in startup to make
this happen?

You can hide the database container window easily. By that I mean the
window, inside the Access application window, that shows the tables,
queries, forms, etc. To hide that, all you have to do is go to Tools ->
Startup... and uncheck the option "Display Database Window".

If it's the whole Access Application window you want to hide, so that
only the form itself shows, it *can* be done, with come difficulty and
restrictions on what you can do in your application. For example, the
form must be set to PopUp and Modal, you can basically only show one
form at a time, and it's tricky to handle reports' print previews.

I don't recommend that for most purposes, as it's not really the way
Access is designed to work. If you do want to give it a go, see the
following link:


This is such a simple app that I have only one form in it - I really
would like to try it so I followed you link and read the code - I
understand some of it ;-)
Biggest problem to getting started is that I don't know where this
code should be located, on Form Load, or Form Open or ........
Couldn't find the answer at the site - do you know where I should put
the function and when/where to call it?
Thanks a heap for you interest and input

Dirk Goldgar

Joanne said:
This is such a simple app that I have only one form in it - I really
would like to try it so I followed you link and read the code - I
understand some of it ;-)
Biggest problem to getting started is that I don't know where this
code should be located, on Form Load, or Form Open or ........
Couldn't find the answer at the site - do you know where I should put
the function and when/where to call it?
Thanks a heap for you interest and input

Copy the code -- everything between the "*** Code Start ***" and "***
Code End ***" lines -- and paste it into a new standard module (not a
form module). Save that module as "basSetAccessWindow". The actual
name isn't really important, so long as it isn't the name of anything
else in the database.

Now, for the form you want to be showing, make sure the form's PopUp and
Modal properties are set to Yes. Those properties are on the Other tab
of the form's property sheet in design view.

Paste the following into the form's code module:

'----- start of code -----
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow SW_HIDE
End Sub

'----- end of code -----

If you already have code in the form's Open event, you'll have to modify
that procedure to include the three executable statements in the above

Make sure that your form has a button on it to close the application
(executing DoCmd.Quit or Application.Quit), or else use the form's Close
event to do that:

'----- start of code -----
Private Sub Form_Close()
Application.Quit acQuitPrompt
End Sub
'----- end of code -----


Thanks Dirk - I will get right to work!!

Dirk said:
Copy the code -- everything between the "*** Code Start ***" and "***
Code End ***" lines -- and paste it into a new standard module (not a
form module). Save that module as "basSetAccessWindow". The actual
name isn't really important, so long as it isn't the name of anything
else in the database.

Now, for the form you want to be showing, make sure the form's PopUp and
Modal properties are set to Yes. Those properties are on the Other tab
of the form's property sheet in design view.

Paste the following into the form's code module:

'----- start of code -----
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Visible = True
fSetAccessWindow SW_HIDE
End Sub

'----- end of code -----

If you already have code in the form's Open event, you'll have to modify
that procedure to include the three executable statements in the above

Make sure that your form has a button on it to close the application
(executing DoCmd.Quit or Application.Quit), or else use the form's Close
event to do that:

'----- start of code -----
Private Sub Form_Close()
Application.Quit acQuitPrompt
End Sub
'----- end of code -----

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