Opening a Word file from Access



How do I go about opening a specific Word file from Access? I can get the
application to open using the RunApp command and pointing it to WINWORD on
the C: drive but how do I get it to a distinct file which would probably be
on a shared drive?



How do I go about opening a specific Word file from Access?  I can get the
application to open using the RunApp command and pointing it to WINWORD on
the C: drive but how do I get it to a distinct file which would probably be
on a shared drive?


tweak the VBA...
Private Sub cmdRunWord_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdRunWord_Click

Dim oApp As Object

Set oApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
oApp.Visible = True
'===NEW LINE====

oApp.Documents.Add "R:\PathOnNetworkDrive\myfile.doc" '---Or \
' if the file is in a control on your form, just use
' oApp.Documents.Add Me.Controls("txtFileToOpen")

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdRunWord_Click

End Sub

or use a hyperlink instead...

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