opening a frontpage document in word



This may be a stupid question....but....I use frontpage at school, I don't have it at home. Can I open a webpage I make in frontpage, in word on my home computer?

Stefan B Rusynko

You can use Word as an Html page editor (not a web site editor),
But it is not recommended
- Word is a text processor and will add "html" which is not globally supported
- Editing your FP pages outside of FP will usually break any of the FP design and run time components

| This may be a stupid question....but....I use frontpage at school, I don't have it at home. Can I open a webpage I make in
frontpage, in word on my home computer?

Vocátional© & Technicál© Educátion®

You may want to click view source and the page opens in notepad
automatically - Why didn't I think of that...?

Best regards,
Sir VoTecEdu at MSN Dot Com
VoTecEdu@Msn Com

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