Open workbook hides



If I have more than one workbook open, the workbook that I am not on at
the time stays hidden, I need to go to the windows menu to unhide it,
sometimes I forget that the book is open until I exit from excl and it
will ask to save these other open files,
How do I stop these workbooks from hiding???

Dave Peterson

This is not normal behavior if you really mean you have to use Window|Unhide.

If it happened to me, I'd start excel in Safe mode

close excel
windows start button|Run
excel /safe

File|open a few workbooks to test it out.

If everything worked ok, I'd start looking for "helpful" addins that get loaded
when excel starts normally.

Chip Pearson has some notes on how to diagnose startup errors at:

And Jan Karel Pieterse has more notes at:

It is normal that one window gets "hidden" when another window is activated.
But you don't mean that, right?


Thanks Dave,
I had had a startup macro in one of the workbooks that kept hiding all
the other workbooks, All I had wanted was for the workbook to show, and
nothing else such as the toolbars and the menus, and the worksheet
tabs...thats where the problem is from(Ibelieve) is from trying to hide
the worksheet tabs, the macro calls it workbook tabs,

I deleted the workbookopen event now things seem to be working fine

It would be neat to have just the sheet showing in this one particular
But I would still like too have the other workbooks show at the bottom
of the screen

anyway, I believe this is where my problem originated

Dave Peterson

Instead of hiding workbooks, your workbook_open event can just hide the sheets
you want hidden:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim wksNameToShow As String

wksNameToShow = "showit"

Me.Worksheets(wksNameToShow).Visible = xlSheetVisible
For Each wks In Me.Worksheets
If LCase(wks.Name) = LCase(wksNameToShow) Then
'skip it
wks.Visible = xlSheetHidden
End If
Next wks
End Sub

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