Open Report with only selected records to print?


Dave Elliott

Below is my code to open the report and print the current record.
This code is generated via a command button on a form.
Also on the form is a Yes/No check box that if it is checked (Yes)
(Selected) is the control name
Then I want it to print the records that are selected to print.
The control is named (Selected) on the form.
On the form also is a way to Batch print.
How can I modify this code to achieve the desired result?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",

John Vinson

Below is my code to open the report and print the current record.
This code is generated via a command button on a form.
Also on the form is a Yes/No check box that if it is checked (Yes)
(Selected) is the control name
Then I want it to print the records that are selected to print.
The control is named (Selected) on the form.
On the form also is a way to Batch print.
How can I modify this code to achieve the desired result?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",

Unless the form control [Selected] is bound to a table field, it won't
help you here. The report is not printing the data from the form; it's
printing data FROM THE TABLE, and the form is also displaying the data
from the table.

If the table contains a yes/no field named Selected just add it to the
WhereCondition argument:

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True"

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Dave Elliott

THANKS, that did the trick...

John Vinson said:
Below is my code to open the report and print the current record.
This code is generated via a command button on a form.
Also on the form is a Yes/No check box that if it is checked (Yes)
(Selected) is the control name
Then I want it to print the records that are selected to print.
The control is named (Selected) on the form.
On the form also is a way to Batch print.
How can I modify this code to achieve the desired result?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",

Unless the form control [Selected] is bound to a table field, it won't
help you here. The report is not printing the data from the form; it's
printing data FROM THE TABLE, and the form is also displaying the data
from the table.

If the table contains a yes/no field named Selected just add it to the
WhereCondition argument:

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True"

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Dave Elliott

The Third line of code below only prints the current selected record, not
all selected records??? (Selected =True)
What do I need to change?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID]" (Print One)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal (Print All)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True" (Print
All Selected)

John Vinson said:
Below is my code to open the report and print the current record.
This code is generated via a command button on a form.
Also on the form is a Yes/No check box that if it is checked (Yes)
(Selected) is the control name
Then I want it to print the records that are selected to print.
The control is named (Selected) on the form.
On the form also is a way to Batch print.
How can I modify this code to achieve the desired result?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",

Unless the form control [Selected] is bound to a table field, it won't
help you here. The report is not printing the data from the form; it's
printing data FROM THE TABLE, and the form is also displaying the data
from the table.

If the table contains a yes/no field named Selected just add it to the
WhereCondition argument:

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True"

John W. Vinson[MVP]

John Vinson

The Third line of code below only prints the current selected record, not
all selected records??? (Selected =True)
What do I need to change?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID]" (Print One)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal (Print All)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True" (Print
All Selected)

Leave off

[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND

if the only criterion you want to apply is [SELECTED] = True.

The argument is basically just a SQL Query WHERE clause without the
word WHERE. Apply whatever criteria you want, and leave off any
criteria you don't want.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Dave Elliott

Thanks, works great...Really appreciate your time in this newsgroup!

John Vinson said:
The Third line of code below only prints the current selected record, not
all selected records??? (Selected =True)
What do I need to change?

DoCmd.OpenReport "RCheckAll", acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID]" (Print One)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal (Print All)
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal, "",
"[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND [Selected] = True" (Print
All Selected)

Leave off

[ChkNoID]=[Forms]![FEmpTotHours]![ChkNoID] AND

if the only criterion you want to apply is [SELECTED] = True.

The argument is basically just a SQL Query WHERE clause without the
word WHERE. Apply whatever criteria you want, and leave off any
criteria you don't want.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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