open one form from another but display same record information



I have one form (customer and job details) that display details from a table.
now i have another form (estimate Details) that opens when i click an option
on the customer details form. the problem is the estimate form opens from the
last record but i want it to display details from the record it was activated
in. can this be done?


Private Sub SumeButton_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Form to open name", acNormal, "", "[ID]=[Forms]![form you
are on]![ID]", , acNormal
End Sub

form to open
form you are on

to what they really are

Jeff Boyce


You'll want to post your reply as a reply to an earlier post rather than
starting over as you have...

It will make it easier for folks to see the context of your question.

I'm going to guess that you'll need to use the name of your row/record ID
field. The expression:


refers to a control called "ID" on a form named "CaseRecord".

Substitute your own form name and control name...


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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