Open in acDialog mode



From a button in form X, I open form Y in acDialog mode. Reason for this is
that I want the code in the button to wait till form Y has been closed. I
find that the pageup and pagedown buttons and the arrow keys don't work
anymore in form Y. When I open it without acDialog they do work. How can I
solve this problem or is there another way to let the code wait for form Y
to close?
Thank you,

Rick Brandt

John said:
From a button in form X, I open form Y in acDialog mode. Reason for
this is that I want the code in the button to wait till form Y has
been closed. I find that the pageup and pagedown buttons and the
arrow keys don't work anymore in form Y. When I open it without
acDialog they do work. How can I solve this problem or is there
another way to let the code wait for form Y to close?
Thank you,

I was not aware of the PageUp/PageDown issue, but have confirmed that they do
not work on a dialog form. However; I was not able to duplicate your experience
regarding the arrow keys. Both the arrow keys and the tab keys still allowed me
to move through the fields and if the Cycle count allows it they also move me
between records.

What particular reason do you need the Page keys? Are you wanting to use them
to change records?


I was wrong about the arrow keys, indeed they do work.
I need the pagekeys to enable the user to scroll through the records. It's a
form which is usually opened as a normal form, so not being able to scroll
will be confusing.
Thanks. John

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