Open Form based on Current record without unique ID/Key.



I was wondering if there was a way to open a form based only on the current record in focus...

I have a table that has a number of fields one of those fields is a Notes/Memo field. I don't have a unique ID that refers to that specific record, instead I have an ID that refers to all items in a particular invoice.

Within my form I don't have room to place a Notes field for the current record so what I would like to do is just put a button that when pushed would open the Notes field (of the current record) in a separate form pop-up.

This obviously wouldn't be a problem if I had a unique Key to identify the record but I was wondering if there was any other way of doing it without adding a key field to my table.

Thanks in advance. - CES

Mark A. Sam

It seems like the Notes/Memo field is an unique id. Try using that, however
it is an easy thing to add an Autonumber field to the table. That is what I
would do.

God Bless,

Mark A. Sam


Here is a possible way.

1) Create a form that has an unbound txtbox on it.
2) In the onOpen event have it do:
me.txtbox = Forms![Nameofthecallingform]![Name of the memo
3) Create a OK or close button on the form and disable any other close
4) on that button have it make the form invisible but NOT close

5) using whatever event you want to call that form, call it with
6) When it returns then have your code be
me.[Name of the memo field] = Forms![Nameofthecalledform]!
docmd.close "Nameofthecalledform"



Ron2006 said:
Here is a possible way.

1) Create a form that has an unbound txtbox on it.
2) In the onOpen event have it do:
me.txtbox = Forms![Nameofthecallingform]![Name of the memo
3) Create a OK or close button on the form and disable any other close
4) on that button have it make the form invisible but NOT close

5) using whatever event you want to call that form, call it with
6) When it returns then have your code be
me.[Name of the memo field] = Forms![Nameofthecalledform]!
docmd.close "Nameofthecalledform"


Thanks... I realized that I do have a unique field that I can use as a link criteria. I always put a time/date stamp on my records... so I was able to use that without having to add a unique id/key field. - CES

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