Open file dialog for multiple versions of Access




I wrote a database for Access 2003 that utilizes the vba FileDialog so the
user can select a file. Now the company wants to distribute the database to
more users. However, some of them are still using Access 2000, and upgrading
will not be possible. And of course, FileDialog is not available in 2000.

How could I code this so that either version of access will work? Or is it
better to write 2 different versions of the program?


Sorry, one additional question. Would the Ken Getz API code work for Access
2003? Even though the code is longer than what I have now, I'm wondering if
that would simplify things.


Thank you Marshall, that seems to work. Just need to clean up some other
calls and I should be good.

I never claimed to be experienced. Maybe someday. But for now I have to be
a basic beginner while I do the job of 3 people.

Sorry, Marshall. It's been a "terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day"
(kept that phrase from my favorite book growing up) and your response just
hit me the wrong way. Appreciate the help, though. It did what I needed.

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