Open explorer on specific address


Harry Putnam

System Winxp pro
How can I make windows explorer open at a desired address from a
hotkey setting.

I call explorer with Ctrl+Alt+x . It always opens closed all the way
up so that I have to navigate to mycomputer then onward. I'd like it
to open showing inside C drive. Using the properties menu on shortcut
has provision for where to open but setting it has no effect.

So to summarize: How might I set my shortcut and hotkey so that
windows explorer opens with display of inside C?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Harry,

What are you using as a target path on the shortcut? You should have:

%systemroot%\explorer.exe ,/e, C:\

Make sure that your hotkey is invoking that shortcut as well.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Harry Putnam

So to summarize: How might I set my shortcut and hotkey so that
windows explorer opens with display of inside C?

Hi Harry,

What are you using as a target path on the shortcut? You should have:
%systemroot%\explorer.exe ,/e, C:\

That isn't what is on my properties screen. I have:

Inserting yours fixes things for me. But I don't understand
something here. In other shortcuts I've just set the `Start in' box
to desrired target and it works. But with explorer it requires
adjustment in `Target' field.

In the `Start in' box of explorer sc I have `C:\' On other short
cuts, that works.

Example is Cmd terminal which in `Target' field has:
`Start in' has: C:\
And it starts in C:\
Make sure that your hotkey is invoking that shortcut as well.

Not sure what you mean here. How would I verify that? I know it is
since I set it there in the start menu, but if I hadn't, how would I


Simply (in Explorer) highlight whatever level you wish the shortcut to point
to. Right click and choose Copy. Right click your Desktop and choose Paste
Shortcut. I have shortcuts that open to C: with folders open below and one
that opens in My Music. (C:\My Music) I have one that opens at the My
Computer level with all drives showing below it. I don't use it much since
holding down the keyboard Windows key while hitting the E key opens at that
level, also.

Harry Putnam

Darrell said:
Simply (in Explorer) highlight whatever level you wish the shortcut to point
to. Right click and choose Copy. Right click your Desktop and choose Paste
Shortcut. I have shortcuts that open to C: with folders open below and one
that opens in My Music. (C:\My Music) I have one that opens at the My
Computer level with all drives showing below it. I don't use it much since
holding down the keyboard Windows key while hitting the E key opens at that
level, also.

Ha, there's a nice simple solution... thanks

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