Open and "open with" interchanged?



I've disabled auto run on the removable disk drives. When I double click
the icon in my computor or click "Open" I get the "open with" window. If
I choose "open with" in the rt click menu it opens right away????
What's going on...???


Devil_Himself said:
When you Right A Click .. What is the First option
The first option is "open". When I click I get the "open with"
selection. Explorer isn't included so I have to browse. If I click "open
with " from the
The second is Explore. I get "open with" again and it closes by opening
an unrelated application.
Search is normal.
"Open With" opens the disk normally.

I had a virus recently, and I may have sneezed while doing a rededit?????


Devil_Himself said:
Thanks but how do I navigate to "F">>>>>>>?
1. Enter command prompt on WIN XP. HOW?
Click Start > Run > CMD
2. Navigate to drive C: HOW?
type cd\ >>>>>>>>>[I tried fd\ here..]
3. Type Dir /a
To show all files in root drive. Then identify the autorun.inf file (you
may find other autorun-named files there. You this same method to get
them out)
4. Type attrib autorun.inf
This will help you get the file attributes on the autorun.inf. Depending
on the outcome
(which can be ash, i.e. Archived, System file, Hidden), do the following:
5. Type attrib -a -s -h autorun.inf (assuming above result).
This will make the file a normal file
6. Type del autorun.inf


Devil_Himself said:
Thanks for that. I went through cmd cd\ C:\>f:
Attrib auotrun.inf etc,etc and found
Deleted file

I find the drives a little confusing as C and D (has the software
restore) have data, the others are just numbers until they get a (eg
flash card in them??)

I didn't have to do the task manager stuff.

Your advice:
Control Panel--> Folder Options--> File Types-->Drives--> Advanced -->
Set Default
was what fixed the problem. I didn't understand what to do initially,
but earlier I had added an "open" command (had been "find" and ""open
with")... I highlighted "open" and set that action as default.

Thanks a lot

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