Open a form from a command button



I am trying to open a form from a command button.
This works fine.

Private Sub Go_To_Healthcare_Invoice_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Go_To_Healthcare_Invoice_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Dim Service_Code As String

stDocName = "Healthcare Invoice Number Form and supp"
stLinkCriteria = "[Invoice_No]=" & "'" & Me!
[Invoice] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria


I am trying to oepn one of several forms based upon the
value set for Service_Code. When I modify the code, he
button does not work. I want to get the code working for
the default condition before adding ELSEIF statements.

If "[Service_Code]" = "Consol" Then
stDocName = "Healthcare Invoice Number Form and
stLinkCriteria = "[Invoice_No]=" & "'" & Me!
[Invoice] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
End If

Thank you in advance, and any help would be appreciated.

Jeff Boyce

Are you saying that if the form you are on has a value of "Consol" in a
control named [Service_Code], you want to modify stDocName & stLinkCriteria?

If Me![Service_Code] = "Consol" Then ...

By the way, you may want to use a control name that differs from the name of
the field (I assume the fieldname is [Service_Code]). Maybe you could
rename the control on the form to something like:


so you (and Access) can tell whether you are referring to the control on the
form, or the underlying field in the table.

Van T. Dinh

The probelm is in the If statement:

If "[Service_Code]" = "Consol" Then

The LHS and RHS of the equal operator will be interpreted as literal Strings
and they are always different.

If you mean the current value of the Control [Service_Code] on your Form,
you should use:

If Me.[Service_Code] = "Consol" Then

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