One more try



I have 2 questions:
1. I have a base class called
class MyBaseObject


All my classes are derived from MyBaseObject.
I also have a collection dervied from IBindingList and CollectionBase
like so,
class MyCollection : CollectionBase,IBindingList


I also have a class called Customer derived from MyBaseObject
class Customer: MyBaseObject
public CustomerId
get { return _CustomerId;}
set { _CustomerId = value;}


Now I add a few customers to my collection class.
MyCollection myColl = new MyCollection();

myColl.Add ( new Customer(1));
myColl.Add ( new Customer(2));
myColl.Add ( new Customer(3));

At some point in the form, I attach the collection to the datagrid

datagrid1.Datasource = myColl;

I see the number of rows in the datagrid to be 3 ( left side sticky
col) but I don't see the columns.
I know the problem. My Customer class is derived from MyBaseObject
class and MyBaseObject doesnot have any public properties.
If I remove MyBaseObject from the picture by not deriving Customer from

MyBaseObject, everything works fine : I see CustomerId column being
displayed on the grid.

You must have guessed my question. How do I take care of the problem.

Thanks for reading the post.

Morten Wennevik

Hi Jim,

Using the sample code in the msdn library for IBindingList interface, and tweaking it to have Customer inherit from BaseClass I can successfully display all data and columns in the DataGrid.

Try cut/paste the sample code or show us more of your code.

Morten Wennevik

Hi Jim,

I'm afraid it does not appear to be included in the online msdn library, but it is included in the msdn library for visual and should also be in the .net framework SDK documentation.

The help link for the feb 2003 library for is

Or you can just search for 'IBindingList' and go to the overview


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